By Aonghas Maccoinnich
ISBN-10: 9004226281
ISBN-13: 9789004226289
The cost of the Hebrides is generally thought of by way of the country formation schedule. but the realm used to be topic to successive makes an attempt at plantation, mostly ignored in ancient narrative. Aonghas MacCoinnich’s examine, Plantation and Civility, explores those plantations opposed to the heritage of a Lowland-Highland cultural divide and festival over assets. The Macleod of Lewis extended family, ‘uncivil’, Gaelic Highlanders, have been dispossessed by means of the Lowland, ‘civil,’ Fife Adventurers, 1598-1609. regardless of the cave in of this Lowland Plantation, besides the fact that, the recourse to the Mackenzie extended family, frequently concept a failure of coverage, used to be as a substitute a realistic reaction to an intractable challenge. The Mackenzies additionally pursued the civility schedule treating with Dutch companions and keeping off their English opponents so as to improve their plantation.
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Munro, ‘Monro, Donald (d. in or after 1575), Church of Scotland minister and author,’ odnb, entry no. 18968. The Conditions for Plantation 27 boom in the herring fishery of the fleets of Lowland Scottish burghs in the 1560s, through into the 1590s was based on catches taken from the waters of the west Highlands and the Minch. Rorke linked the growth of the Crown’s interest in the ‘Highland Problem’ with this parallel increase in fisheries from the 1570s onwards. 75 Determined attempts by the Fife Adventurers to wrest the Lordship of Lewis from the Macleods, 1598–1609, were to prove unsuccessful (Chapter 3).
Cowan & D. ), The Polar Twins (Edinburgh, 1999), 114–136. Highland Papers, ii, 262–279, M. Pittock, The Myth of the Jacobite clans. , Edinburgh, 2009), 31–39. The Conditions for Plantation 19 Highland incivility, this was also a condition embraced by many of King James vi’s unruly non-Highland, non-Gaelic speaking, subjects particularly in the Orkneys, Shetlands and Borders. Epithets such as ‘barbarous’ and ‘incivil’ would suggest no education. 55 While there can be no doubt that the factionalism and disorder within the Macleod of Lewis lordship was endemic in the last quarter of the sixteenth century, their categorisation as irredeemably barbarous and their expropriation of 1598 was not signposted by the experience of earlier generations.
Nrs, rd 1/441, fol. 192r. nrs, E 8/4/32. tna, sp 16/291, fol. 92. nrs, ac 7/1, fol. 184. 1, vol. 8, no. 47. 31 Gordon, Sutherland, 270, 274, 371. 32 For civility and its link to colonialism in modern times see Mark Ferro, Colonisation, a Global History (1997), 11–12, 20–23. See also, J. Osterhammel, Europe, the “west” and the civilising mission. German Historical Institute, London. The 2005 Annual Lecture (London, 2006). R. McVeigh & B. Rolston, ‘Civilising the Irish,’ in Race & Class, 51 (2009), 1–28.
Plantation and Civility in the North Atlantic World: The Case of the Northern Hebrides, 1570-1639 by Aonghas Maccoinnich
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