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By Phyllis Cornwall

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Montana predicted, however, with characteristic confidence, that the 49ers would not always be the worst. He was right. 52 The Early 49ers Years In Training Camp Montana’s three-year contract with the 49ers paid him a $50,000 signing bonus and an escalating base salary of $50,000, $70,000, and $85,000 for the three years. These are paltry sums by today’s multimillion-dollar standards for pro athletes, and even for the period they were hardly top dollar. ) Still, it was good money—good enough for Montana, at least, when he reported to training camp that year.

Notre Dame got the ball again on the 29-yard line and moved it down to the 8-yard line. Six seconds left. Devine called a pass to Kris Haines in the corner of the end zone, but Montana threw the ball too low and Haines slipped and could not get it. Two seconds left. Montana asked Haines if he thought he could get it again, and Haines said yes. So, when Devine asked Montana what he recommended for the last play, Montana said the Irish should try the same one as before. ” Devine added, from a Sports Illustrated article, “With the noseguard staring him in the face, Joe threw a perfect pass, low and outside, a bullet—under all that pressure, with terrible conditions.

Well, Tank ducked and the core flew into the cafeteria and hit one of the workers. Hit her good. Gave her a hurting. But Joe fell back down so fast, she never knew where it came from. People talk about that bullet he threw to Dwight Clark in that championship game as being his best pass ever. I know better. 29 30 Joe Montana as quarterback for some practice sessions. Joe had his work cut out for him during these practices, especially since Timko, who had been moved to defense, did his best to disrupt the new quarterback’s moves and make him look bad.

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Play It Safe Online by Phyllis Cornwall

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