Politics in Postwar Japanese Society - download pdf or read online

By Jōji Watanuki

ISBN-10: 0860081907

ISBN-13: 9780860081906

The speedy social alterations that have been taking place in Japan over the last numerous many years have given the society tremendous new assets for capability social improvement. while, even though, the rapidity of social swap has led to contradictions and traces in each point ofJapanese society-strains comparable to these within the political area which have been illuminated by means of the 1976 disclosures of huge­ scale bribery of jap govt officers via the Lockheed airplane company. the japanese social textile has been well-known (or infamous) for being strongly pointed out with the prior. whilst a state is confronted with fast adjustments, this social continuity could be a resource of contradiction and pressure at the one hand, yet nonetheless it could actually develop the society's skill to take in switch and make the most of new resources.
This booklet is a set of essays written over a interval of approximately ten years. They variously describe the present-day eastern political procedure and its ancient history, discover styles of participation in the procedure, and talk about political attitudes towards and relationships with the countries of Asia and the remainder of the realm. Underlying these kind of essays is the typical subject matter of switch, with its concomitant traces and possibilities, and continuity in eastern politics and society.

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Later, in the 1 960s, rapid economic growth brought with it socioeconomic changes which were more congruent with postwar democracy. Economic growth created a huge market for labor in which young people could easily find jobs. Moreover, demand for young labor power so surpassed the supply that wages for the young improved rapidly. Thus, the young people became more in­ dependent from their parents and moved freely from their home towns into big cities or industrial areas. This kind of independence was more congruent with the postwar reformed family code than with the prewar type of paternalistic family code.

20 JAPANESE DEMOCRACY The C a p a b i l i ty of t h e Li be r a l De m o c r a t i c Party The Japanese conservatives, particularly the Liberal Demo­ cratic Party since its formation in 1 955, have ruled Japan through­ out the postwar period, except for the short and unsuccessful coalition of the Socialist and Democratic Parties in 1 94 7-48 . The capability of the LDP is open to dispute. LDP members and supporters can say that Japan's economic growth and its peace­ ful existence with other nations are proof of the LOP's high capability.

The total number of copies of newspapers issued daily is 56 million, which is second only to that in the United States (63 million cop­ ies) . The estimated number of television sets currently in use is 48 million, and there are five nationwide television networks-one is the publicly operated NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) and the other four are privately owned (NTV, TBS, Fuji, and NET) . Besides the press and TV, the plethora of magazines is a characteristic of the japanese mass media scene.

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Politics in Postwar Japanese Society by Jōji Watanuki

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