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By C. G. Jung

ISBN-10: 1400850983

ISBN-13: 9781400850983

16 experiences in non secular phenomena, together with Psychology and faith and resolution to activity.

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Extra info for Psychology and Religion: West and East (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 11)

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Anna Freud (1936) was possibly getting at the same idea when she wrote, The ego is, in fact, requested to be silent and the id is invited to speak and promised that its derivatives shall not encounter the usual difficulties if they emerge into consciousness. Thus we have to play a double game with the patient’s instinctual impulses, on the one hand encouraging them to express themselves and, on the other, steadily refusing them gratification—a procedure which incidentally gives rise to one of the numerous difficulties in the handing of analytic technique.

By contrast, if psychotherapy is conducted absolutely face to face, there is far less space for the play of psychotherapy to develop in. Sometimes, this suppressive effect on fantasy may be desired, for example, with a borderline or psychotic patient. In group psychotherapy there is a similar problem: patients may try to single out a therapist for a direct “one-on-one” talk. It is sometimes helpful to avoid the direct gaze of the patient trying to do this, and focus instead on the centre of the group space, the aim being to get in touch with the fantasies of the group members about each other and the therapist and to suspend for a while more realitybased adult feelings.

And I know nothing about him”. Pirandello’s split-off inner world reappears in the play, just as a patient’s split-off inner world might, during the course of psychotherapy, reappear in a dream, or a child’s in play therapy. This conflict between the inner world and reality is illustrated by an early exchange between the Producer and one of the characters (Father): PRODUCER: But what do you want here? FATHER: We wish to live, sir! PRODUCER: Through all eternity? FATHER: No, sir; just for a moment .

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Psychology and Religion: West and East (The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 11) by C. G. Jung

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