By Shirley Soltesz Steiner, Natalie Pate Capps
ISBN-10: 1118063759
ISBN-13: 9781118063750
The new, up-to-date variation of the vintage clinical terminology reference with over 200,000 copies sold
Quick scientific Terminology has lengthy been depended on by means of scholars and doctors seeking to construct or replace their scientific vocabulary.
This new fifth edition offers the instruments and data had to comprehend the easy good judgment in the back of hundreds of thousands of possible incomprehensible phrases, in addition to clean workouts and present examples.
• good points new evaluate workouts and self-tests, greater than 250 new phrases, clinical measurements, and up to date examples
• presents the instruments important for development and maintaining a wide operating repertoire of scientific terms
• The reference of selection for wellbeing and fitness practitioners and others who have to extend, enhance, or refresh their scientific vocabularies
Filled with crucial info awarded in a transparent and easy-to-follow layout, Quick scientific Terminology is a useful studying device and reference resource.
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Carcinoma Cancer of the tonsil is tonsillar . of, or pertaining to The suffixes -ic, -ar, and -al mean . tumor 19. An adenoma is a glandular tumor; -oma means . Where would you expect to find a duodenal tumor? A lip/oma is a tumor of fatty tissue. fat, fatty tissue Lip/o is the combining form for . lip/oma lipoma li po′ ma 20. A fatty tumor is called a / . lip/oid lipoid lip′ oid 21. Lipoma is a fatty tumor; -oid is a suffix meaning like or resembling. Using the word root for fatty tissue, build a term that means fatlike, or resembling fat: / .
Hyperemesis is a manifestation of a pathological condition. Electroencephalography (EEG) is often the first step toward a diagnosis of encephalopathy. 36 Quick Medical terminology 80. It’s time to review again. Using the suggested answers, write the meaning of each of the following terms. SUGGESTED ANSWERS: bone joint cartilage rib head soft, soften hernia tooth, teeth joint hernia head cartilage rib tooth, teeth soft, soften bone repair of (restoration or plastic surgery) arthr/o cele/o cephal/o chondr/o cost/o dent/o malac/o ost-, oste-, oste/o 81.
The suffix -ectomy means . Basic Word Roots and Common Suffixes 13 gastr/ectomy gastrectomy gas trek′ tŌ mē 59. When a patient’s stomach ulcer perforates, the surgeon may need to remove part of the stomach. The medical term for the procedure is / . gastrectomy 60. Cancer of the stomach may require a surgeon to remove all or part of the patient’s stomach. This procedure is a . gastr/itis gastritis gas trī′ tis 61. Form a word that means inflammation of the stomach: / . duoden/um duodenum d o¯¯o Ōd′ nƏm (or d o¯¯o Ō dē′ nƏm) 62.
Quick Medical Terminology (5th Edition) (A Self-Teaching Guide) by Shirley Soltesz Steiner, Natalie Pate Capps
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