By Charles Johnson
Excerpt from Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154, Vol. 2: Regesta Henrici Primi, 1100-1135
The first quantity of this paintings was once released in 1913, and the editors then believed that the second one and 3rd volumes might stick with in quickly succession. however the 4 years of struggle, which so quickly undefined, interrupted the duty. Professor Davis was once absorbed within the tasks of the warfare alternate Intelligence division, and his pursuits thenceforward have been diverted to the issues of recent heritage. At his loss of life, in 1928, the fabrics for the later volumes have been considerably as he had left them in 1914. In 1930 the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, with the concurrence of Mrs. Davis, entrusted the duty of constant the Regesta to the elder of the current editors, who made haste to safe assistance from a more youthful pupil, lest the paintings may still back be interrupted by means of loss of life. The slowness with which we done our activity is due partially to the need of studying by means of genuine exam what assets have been exhausted and what remained unused: partly to the unevenness within the abstracts and outlines inevitable within the co-operation of a few voluntary helpers. A moment conflict concerned one other interval of hold up during which learn was once very unlikely; and we're awake that we have got now not fullyyt conquer both of our preliminary problems. we're, notwithstanding, persuaded that even a less than excellent catalogue is a step to a extra ideal presentation of the acts of the Norman interval, within which the total texts should be revealed, and unique charters reproduced in facsimile.
In getting ready the current quantity we have now had the good thing about the past due William Farrer's Itinerary of Henry I, revealed within the English historic evaluation in 1919, and issued individually with a invaluable index. we can't effectively exhibit our duties to Farrer's paintings; and although we've not regularly followed his conjectural dates, we've not often needed to dissent from the bounds of date which he mounted. we've got his instance in mentioning those, even if the records are prepared in line with the dates which now we have inspiration possible. whilst a distinct yr isn't assigned the charters are ranged below the later restricting date. we now have incorporated a couple of charters which Farrer both didn't comprehend of or considered no worth for the development of his Itinerary.
Our thank you are as a result of all who contributed to the 1st quantity in addition to to this. Many, regrettably, are lifeless. we will be able to purely bear in mind with gratitude Canon Foster, of Lincoln; Mr. Herbert Chitty, bursar of Winchester collage; and Mr. L. C. Loyd; and plenty of of these already pointed out in Vol. I. between our dwelling fellow-workers we needs to particularly thank Mr. G. H. White, editor of the entire Peerage, and Mr. Charles Clay, who maintains Farrer's paintings on Early Yorkshire Charters, on whose genealogical wisdom we've usually drawn. The Dean of Gloucester has helped us in facing the Ely charters, and Mr. C. H. Hunter Blair with these of Durham. pass over Marion Gibbs kindly communicated to us the typescript of her Early Charters of St. Paul's Cathedral earlier than booklet, and stored us a lot transcription. Mr. Ralph Davis, who's already engaged, with the more youthful of the current editors, at the ultimate quantity of the paintings which his father all started, has learn the proofs of this, and has made a few precious feedback. we're additionally indebted to Mr. G. E. Morey for tips in getting ready the typescript for press. To a majority of these, and to many different pals who've helped us every now and then, we smooth our hearty thanks.
We also needs to checklist our gratitude to the overdue Dukes of Bedford and Rutland for permission to use the Tavistock and Belvoir chartularies, and to the latter for a photo of a web page of the Belvoir chartulary.
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Extra info for Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154. Volume II : Regesta Henrici primi, 1100-1135
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References arabic numerals are to the numbers of the Calendar ; those in An asterisk denotes a spurious the numbers of the Appendix. ) Abbotsbury Abbey, 108, 109, 203. Abitot Urse de 479. Abingdon Abbey, 49, 200, 201, 289, 359, 390, of, 96, 103, 105, 116, 168, 169, 170, 171(=xxi), 397. Canterburj', Christchurch (Holy Trinity), 38 xxii), 243 (=xlii), 336! 101, 102, 176 ( 418( lxxi), 459. = 391. Adellelm, Abbot of Abingdon. See Athel- LELM. Ethelwig, Abbot of Evesham, 104, 106 = xiii). ( Caen, St.
Saint Saint Mary of Marcigni-sur-Loire, 353. Mary at Stow, Abbey of, 266, 333, 334, 335. Saint Mary of Tavistock, Abbey of, 378^ Saint Mary of Tewkesbury, Abbey of, 474. Saint Mary and Saint Oswin of Tynemouth, Priory of, 366, 367, 368. INTRODUCTION Saint Mary of York, Abbey of, 313*. Saint Michael de Periculo Maris. See MoNT- Saint-Michel. Saint Nicholas of Angers, Abbey of, 288 a, 386. Saint Olave at Exeter, Church of, 401. Saint Pancras of Lewes, Priory of, 192, 232, 325 {=li). St. Paul's, London, Cathedral Church of, -5*, 111,246,274,303,415,484.
Maitland, : : . : . : Baritaud, 1879. , et Durand, U. : Thesaurus Novus Anecdotorum. 5 vols. Paris, 1717. Mimoires de la Societe des Antiqitaires de Normundie. Memorials of St. s Arnold. RoUs Series. 3 vols. London, 1890-6. Messager des Sciences Historiques de Belgique. Monasticon Angliconum. New edition by John Caley, Henry Ellis, and Bulkeley Bandinell. 6 vols, in 8. London, 1846. Musee des Archives DepaHementales. Paris, 1878. Muse'e des Archives Rationales. Neustria Pia, ed. Du Moustier. New Paris, 1872.
Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum, 1066-1154. Volume II : Regesta Henrici primi, 1100-1135 by Charles Johnson
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