Download e-book for iPad: Restructuring Work and Employment in Europe: Managing Change by Bernard Gazier, Frederic Bruggeman, Sian Moore

By Bernard Gazier, Frederic Bruggeman, Sian Moore

ISBN-10: 1847205690

ISBN-13: 9781847205698

This precise, entire research on downsizing in Europe is underpinned through cross-national, interdisciplinary empirical study on restructuring administration in 5 ecu international locations: Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, and the uk. It comprises systematic nationwide comparative overviews, and transversal analyses of greater than 30 in-depth case stories, taking into consideration a vast diversity of views throughout expert human assets managers, unions' representatives, neighborhood and nationwide civil servants, social employees and physicians. The authors study strategic offerings and practices in nationwide and native contexts, displaying that the perform of restructuring isn't as heterogeneous as many prior stories have indicated or anticipated. Systematic coverage proposals for higher financial and social administration of restructuring also are prescribed.

This group of famous economists and social scientists have ready a publication that might entice experts and human source managers and staff, in particular in transnational corporations, in addition to to scholars in commercial family members, in labour economics, and in sociology. it's going to even be of specific curiosity to individuals of the ecu fee and policymakers thinking about employment and social affairs.

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A number of limits should be kept in mind and will shortly be discussed. 2 is incomplete and static, and is not able to present the whole spectrum of moves available to a given country. For example, in the UK important efforts may lead to the growing importance of adjustments through training, and this cannot be represented here. It says nothing about the content, or the modalities of labour market policies. This could be a handicap if we consider the importance of the balance between “active” and “passive” components and the ongoing strongly diversified tendencies towards “activation”.

This example was suggested to me by Frédéric Bruggeman. REFERENCES Amable B. 2003, The Diversity of Modern Capitalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. C. T. (eds) 2005, Social Policies. Epistemological and Methodological Issues in Cross-National Comparisons, Bern and Brussels: Peter Lang. , Maurin E. and Quesnel-Vallée, A. (2003), “Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: a generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the US”, WZB Discussion Papers, December, Berlin: Wissenschaft Zentrum Berlin.

The same line of reasoning applies to the management of all transitions. The third is the sharing of responsibilities. Co-financing is a priority wherever possible, in order to develop incentives for every stakeholder. 1 Recently, this approach has been furthered by G. Schmid in terms of “social risk management” (Schmid 2006). It focuses on “critical transitions” that may lead persons either to favourable career development, or to cumulative difficulties ending in poverty and exclusion. Amongst the main examples are divorce or a prolonged spell of unemployment, but it is clear that job displacements stemming from restructuring are typical “critical transitions”.

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Restructuring Work and Employment in Europe: Managing Change in an Era of Globalisation by Bernard Gazier, Frederic Bruggeman, Sian Moore

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