By M. A. Persits, R. A. Ulyanovsky (Ed.), Lev Bobrov (Trans.)
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13. 2 Izvestia, Tashkent, February 12, 1920, p. 2. “Wilson vs. 5 Confirmed Muslim, Barakatullah sought to prove that the main propositions of Communism and of Islam and other religious doctrines were identical and consisted in enun ciating the ideas of the liberty, equality and fraternity of all men. Both Marxism and all religions, he wrote in his article “Bolshevik Ideas and the Islamic Republic”, had been “handed down by the Lord in order to save the poor and the needy, reassure all men and bring peoples into kinship with each other”.
That was due to the influence of the. 1 Sovinterprop gave much attention to the Indian revolu tionaries who had arrived in Tashkent. At its opening ses sion of December 30, 1919, it examined a message, from Soviet Consul in Kabul N. Z. Bravin who announced the expected arrival in Tashkent of five Indian national revo lutionaries who “have expressed a desire to work [in Tur kestan] ... 2 The Council wanted Barakatullah’s opinion about those individuals. Late in February 1920,. five men (Hoja Suleiman, Adbul Fazil Khan, Ghulam Mohammad Khan, Faizi, the fifth one was not named) were already in Tashkent,*3 and a mis sion of the Provisional Government (Mohammad Ali and Mohammad Shafiq) arrived there on March 31, to be joined shortly afterwards by Abdul Majid and Ibrahim, who had accompanied Barakatullah on his visit to Moscow.
In fact, Barakatullah made no secret of his political affil iation and said in no uncertain terms that he supported Soviet government for its. struggle against imperialism and against domination of the East by European capital ism. He passionately urged the Muslims of the whole world: “Unite round Soviet government, for the liberation of all oppressed, subject peoples depends only on this So viet government. ”3 In an interview for Izvestia, Barakatullah declared: “I am not a Communist, nor a Socialist ...
Revolutionaries of India in Soviet Russia: Mainsprings of the Communist Movement in the East by M. A. Persits, R. A. Ulyanovsky (Ed.), Lev Bobrov (Trans.)
by John