By Herm. Ign. Bidermann
ISBN-10: 0818680997
ISBN-13: 9780818680991
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In our case we must look for the holes in the roof of the Leichenkeller. This we did at both Auschwitz I – Krema I; and Auschwitz II – Krema II. In the latter, there were indeed two holes in the roof – crudely cut holes – that had the reinforcing iron rods protruding from the concrete surrounds. Such primitive ‘craftsmanship’ would have never passed German perfectionism. Professor Robert Faurisson claims that because of this fact, he has a right to state: ‘No holes, no Holocaust’. I find this argument compelling and it is now for the upholders of the Holocaust gassing story to demonstrate and prove how without proper holes the deadly Zyklon-B gas could have been inserted into the alleged homicidal gas chamber.
The ‘free market’ rhetoric that justified a decade of corporate plunder and socialenvironmental destruction has worn thin …’. The sadness of this movement is that it will not discard its Marxist ideology, and I recall that eminent German historian, Professor Ernst Nolte, reminded the world that before Auschwitz there were the gulags. That’s the legacy that is conveniently forgotten by those who wish to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. net>) put the matter most indelicately: ‘I ask you, gentlemen of the jury: Where has it ever been considered normal discourse to incite one’s countrymen to destroy a small land on the other side of the world?
Unfortunately he could not make it. To think that the Germans, whose tanks were all petrol powered, would use Russian diesel tank engines as a source for the gas supply boggles the imagination. Presumably every time a motor broke down would require another Russian tank to be captured for spare parts! Andrew Gray The copy editor of The Barnes Review, Andrew Gray has attempted to end the in-fighting within revisionist circles. Gray is also an acknowledged Wagner expert who can tell you how many dogs Wagner had and what their names were!
Russische Umtriebe in Ungarn by Herm. Ign. Bidermann
by George