By H. Te Velde
ISBN-10: 9004054022
ISBN-13: 9789004054028
A research advisor for the intense student, loaded with citations and prices from Egyptologists, and Theologists on all of the symbolism surrounding Set in an historic Egyptian context.
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Now here we come to a distinction between the trad itiona I attitude towa rd th is problem a nd the contemporary Western one. The traditional idea is that the adult who has moved from dependency to responsibility shou ld ta ke over without criticism the laws of the society and represent them. In our world, we ask for the development of the individual's critical faculties, that you should evaluate the social order and yourself, then contribute criticism. This doesn't mea n blowing it u p. Nor does it mea n blowing it u p before you've found out what it is.
Myth is moss. So now you've got to do it yourself, ad lib. I speak of the present as a moment of free fall into the future with no guidance. All you've got to know is how to fall; and you can learn that, too. That is the situation with rega rd to myth rig ht now. We're a ll without dependable guides. Yet even now you can find two guides. The first can be a personality in your youth who seemed to you a noble a nd g reat persona lity. You ca n use that person as a model. The other way is to live for bliss.
Now, in India to this day there is a conflict between the tradition of caste and of the taboos that come from that tradition on the one hand, and the secular law of the present state of India on the other. A few years ago the high priest at one of the great Hindu temples said, "If you want to be British, break caste. So, in the traditional soci€ty, the social order is part of the natural order, and there is such a thing as a moral law. People still use this term, but what was moral yesterday can become vice today.
Seth, God of Confusion: A study of his role in Egyptian mythology and religion by H. Te Velde
by Brian