Catherine Burns's Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan (Asaa Women in Asia PDF

By Catherine Burns

ISBN-10: 0203429435

ISBN-13: 9780203429433

ISBN-10: 0203692950

ISBN-13: 9780203692950

ISBN-10: 0415336511

ISBN-13: 9780415336512

This ebook presents a close exam of judicial decision-making in eastern situations regarding sexual violence. It describes the tradition of 'eroticised violence' in Japan, which sees the female physique as culpable and the criminal process which inspires homogeneity and conformity in decision-making and indicates how the criminal constraints confronting ladies claiming sexual attacks are huge, immense. It contains research of particular case reports and a dialogue of modern strikes to deal with the matter.

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Extra info for Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan (Asaa Women in Asia Series)

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Pflugfelder notes that early twentieth-century medical knowledge in Japan constructed heterosexuality as the norm of sexual desire and conceived of ‘male’ (dansei) and ‘female’ ( josei) accordingly in complementary terms. The categories comprised both physical attributes of sex and also gendered behavioural and personality characteristics. These included passivity in women and aggression in men, thereby ‘cementing’ the attributes as biological ‘fact’ (Pflugfelder 1999: 253). The restrictions placed on women’s lives were reinforced by the limited construction of rights (kenri), outlined in the Meiji Constitution.

The argument that the culture of eroticised violence is essentially harmless is sustained only as long as masculine sexuality is constrained by the vigilance of some women while sexual accessibility is guaranteed through the availability of Others, sacrificed women. Of course, the division of women into prostitutes and non-prostitutes facilitates male sexual access Hegemonic masculinity and guilty feminine bodies 25 11 11 011 11 0111 11 0111 0111 4 511 to women’s bodies while maintaining a pool of chaste potential marriage partners, but on what basis are women divided and how does this division impact on constructions of gender?

They use the term ‘sexed bodies’ to convey the idea that the meanings and significance of the ways in which masculinity and femininity are experienced by the individual is fundamentally based on ideas about male and female bodies (Gatens 1996; Pringle 1992). Attention has also turned to analysing the ways in which discourses and practices mark the body as masculine or feminine (Bartky 1988; Cahill 2000: 43–63). This work, as will be discussed further on in this chapter, highlights the gendering effects of sexual violence.

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Sexual Violence and the Law in Japan (Asaa Women in Asia Series) by Catherine Burns

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