By Paula R. Hartz
ISBN-10: 1604131136
ISBN-13: 9781604131130
Discusses the historical past of the Shinto faith in Japan, describing its origins, simple ideals, rituals, and gala's, and its position in jap society.
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In Daniel C. ) worldly “trace” or reflection. Now Shinto scholars reversed the doctrine, holding that the kami were the true divinities of Japan and that the Buddhist deities were a reflection of them. Confucianism and Buddhism were de-emphasized, and Shinto was once again elevated in religious importance. Japanese Religion in Medieval Times 63 CHAPTER 5 SHINTO AND JAPANESE NATIONALISM: 1868–1945 B y the mid-1800s Japan had been effectively isolated from the rest of the world for more than 200 years.
At first they concentrated on the Chinese classics and Buddhism, but soon they began to study Japan’s native culture. One daimyo of the Tokugawa line brought together scholars and assembled the first history of Japan. Scholars turned next to early Shinto literature, collecting tales and writing them down. The Shinto calendar of lucky and unlucky days, based on the Chinese/ Daoist tradition, was revived, and Shinto festivals were encouraged. The government still maintained Shinto shrines, and people gathered regularly at festivals to give thanks to the kami for their many blessings.
Suggests that these forerunners of today’s Japanese people were a society of hunter-gatherers and fishers. There were native people, the Ainu, on the islands when they arrived, but the newcomers did not mix with them, forming instead their own small farming and fishing villages and settling them with family groups. Generally people living in a particular geographical area were related, either by blood or by marriage, and they gathered loosely into uji, or clans. They came together to celebrate social events such as births, marriages, and deaths, and seasonal events such Musicians at the Grand Shrine at Ise are shown here performing Gakaku, the ancient court music of Japan.
Shinto (World Religions) by Paula R. Hartz
by Ronald