By Richard Sakwa (auth.)
ISBN-10: 1349192724
ISBN-13: 9781349192724
ISBN-10: 1349192740
ISBN-13: 9781349192748
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Was the latter the antithesis of the commune, a development of it, or a different stage of a single process? Engels called the commune the dictatorship of the proletariat,52 but the two concepts represented different, though not incompatible, perspectives on the transitional period. One stressed the maximisation of state power; the other the extension of participation in direct democracy. 53 The dictatorship of the proletariat, according to Marx, would be supported by the vast majority of the population and hence could get its unpleasant tasks over fairly quickly.
Put another way, war communism was not so much a response to exogenous circumstances as a specific programme for the introduction of socialism in which, as Szamue1y points out, everyone of its features had its own ideological basis. 110 The circumstances surrounding the dissolution of war communism and the introduction of NEP cast further light on war communism. 1I1 In his pamphlet 'The Tax in Kind' (21 April 1921) Lenin argued that war communism had been forced by 'war and ruin' and had only been a 'temporary measure'.
Osinskii, G.!. Lomov and E. N. Ignatov had no idea of what the slogan 'all power to the soviets' was to mean in practice. 68 The absence of a clear-cut short-term programme was reflected in the vacillations of the city party organisation before, during and after the revolution, and in the prolonged debates over coalition that followed the transfer of power. In these debates the Moscow city Bolsheviks usually took a moderate line of compromise as they sought some form of alliance with non-Bolshevik democratic forces.
Soviet Communists in Power: A Study of Moscow during the Civil War, 1918–21 by Richard Sakwa (auth.)
by Edward