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By Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin

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The term selecti seems in late Republican and Augustan usage to denote the whole body o f iudices who served i n the iudicia publka. They are sometimes mentioned in later inscriptions as i f they were an elite among the 'iudices ex quattuor'—from Gaius onwards 'quinque* —'decuriis'. This is suggested by such variants from die usual 'iudex ex V decuriis' as 'iudex selectus ex V decuriis' or 'iudex ex V decuriis inter selectos\ Especially significant are 'ex V decuriis decuriarum Iff * and 'iudex selectus decuriis tribus* (at a date when there were five decuries), which strongly suggest that the selecti were the members o f the three superior decuries, as opposed to the plain iudices o f the later fourth and fifth decuries, one o f which, and probably both, had a lower census qualification.

It is not inconceivable that the empowering act, particularly i f it were passed very early i n the Principate, may have conveyed authority to those who held an imperium pro consule, including the emperor, o f course, but may not have permitted the emperor, any more than any other proconsul, to delegate it to his legati pro praetore. On the iusgladii it is difficult to reconcile the statements o f the authorities. Ulpian states that it was held by all 'qui universas provincias regunt,' that is proconsuls, legati Augusti pro praetore and praesidial procurators, as opposed to legati pro praetore o f proconsuls, and legati iuridici and legi IV.

C. there were not enough quaestors for all the provinces, but this was presumably because too many o f the twenty were occupied with other duties at home. There was certainly no shortage o f 15 16 17 18 1 20 21 22 23 U N D E R A U G U S T U S 33 candidates for the praetorship. c. C, and twelve in the last years of the reign; the Senate pressed Tiberius to increase the number further. D. I I there were sixteen candidates for the twelve places, and the struggle was so bitter that Augustus allowed them all to hold office.

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Studies in Roman government and law by Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin

by Jeff

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