Successful Writing: Teacher's Book Upper intermediate - download pdf or read online

By Virginia Evans

ISBN-10: 1842168797

ISBN-13: 9781842168790

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The lips are flexible in several directions and can be rounded or spread. A simplified model for lip shape is shown in Fig. 5. The two lips can close to block the airstream, as for bilabial /p, b, m/ in Dutch and English. Or the lips can allow air through, being so close together that audible friction is produced, as for the bilabial sound [B] in Spanish Habana ‘Havana’ or aviso ‘warning’. g. g. fine, vine). g. g. D /a:/ in laan, E /A:/ in car. The lips may also be rounded, often with protrusion for many speech sounds.

46): ’s → /s/. Jack’s arrived /"dZ{ks @"raIvd/ Geoff ’s coming later /"dZefs kømIN "leIt@/ Robert’s decided to leave /"rÅb@ts dI"saIdId t@ "li:v/ c. Following /s, z, S, Z, tS, dZ/, is becomes /Iz/, has becomes /@z/. Max is coming later /"m{ks Iz kømIN "leIt@/ Mr Hodge has arrived /mIst@ "hÅdZ @z @"raIvd/ Jones has decided to leave /"dZ@Unz @z dI"saIdId t@ "li:v/ 9. g. on, in, if, up, when, what, then, one. 5 Transcription sample The following is a transcription showing WFs and CFs in connected speech.

In human speech, the airstream is set in motion by the action of the lungs. The air passes through the larynx (‘Adam’s apple’), which converts the energy of the airstream into a sound source. This is amplified and has its character modified by the resonator — the passageway formed by the throat, mouth and nose. 1 Comparison of human speech mechanism and a church organ. (1) Respiratory system (2) phonatory system (3) articulatory system. 2 T H E R E S P I R AT O RY S Y S T E M The respiratory system consists of the lungs and the bronchial1 tubes.

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Successful Writing: Teacher's Book Upper intermediate by Virginia Evans

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