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But the loss can be much higher in machined m e t a l due to the fabrication steps which have taken place. f i r e is negligible. NearKansas City, Mo. Oct. 29, 1952 Radiation contamination from a normal uranium - I46 - 4 A SLUG FAILURE INCIDENT Nature o f Incident A f i r e occurred while removing a ruptured slug from a reactor. , Description of b e r a t i o n A ruptured slug was stuck i n a tube. Mechanical pressure was used t o move it with sone success. This was followed with a high pressure stream of water.
Nature of Incident Over 1,500 gallons of uranyl n i t r a t e hexahydrate solution spilled when a tank t r a i l e r overturned. i Description of m e r a t i o n An intra-plant t r a n s f e r of Before s t a r t i n g out, the d r i v e r found t h a t those on t h e t r a i l e r he decided t o go ahead with the UNH was being made i n a tank t r a i l e r . routinely t e s t e d the a i r brakes and were not working. I n s p i t e of t h i s , trip. Details of Incident En route, he applied t h e t r a c t o r brakes t o maintain control of the The t r a i l e r swerved l e f t and r i g h t u n t i l it overturned unit on a downhill grade.
The treatment process was found t o remove mesothorium very e f f e c t i v e l y so t h a t the e f f l u e n t water from the sludge disposal plant had negligible q u a n t i t i e s of mesothorium i n it, The drJr sludge produced during t h i s period had been spread on the c i t y airport, municipal parkway, and the cemetery. A thorough study of this incident disclosed that there was no h a a r d t o the public o r t o the employees of the sewer p l a n t even though t h e radiation l e v e l s of the sewer discharges were higher than had been a n t i c ipate d .
Summary of Accidents, Injuries in Atomic Energy Activities [Jun 1945 - Dec 1955]
by Thomas