By G. W. Prothero Litt. D., Stanley Leathes M. A. A. W. Ward Litt.D.
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Scale Bilad Ghana reached. 14 lands eagerly purchased the human chattels [1445 now imported in increasing numbers. Dom Henrique had now made an important advance. " The project of A commanded to go with a caravel straight for Guinea, and to reach it without fail. He passed Cape Branco, but was unable to resist the on his route. Landing on one of the temptation of a profitable capture islands near the Bank of Arguin, he and his men were surprised by a who put off from the mainland in canoes, and killed large party of natives, most of the raiders, including their commander.
Are too numerous and too indefinite, for any one mind, however well It is better to allow the subject-matter stored, to appreciate them all. to supply its own unifying principle than to create one which is inadequate or of mere temporary value. At all events, this work has been undertaken with a desire to solve a very difficult problem, and to supply a very real need, so far as was possible under the conditions of its publication, CHAPTER I. THE AGE OF DISCOVERY. AMONG the landmarks which divide the Middle Ages from modern times the most conspicuous is the discovery of America by the Genoese shall discuss in the next captain Cristoforo Colombo in 1492.
Attitude to- 569 670 in the North. Germany. Johann Miiller (Regioinontanus), d. 1476 Patrons. Universities. Roelof Huysmann (Rudolf Agricola), d. 1485. Johann Reuchlin, 1455-1522 Defence of Hebrew learning. Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, 1514-7. . . . Scholarship in the service of biblical criticism Philip Melanchthon, 1497-1560. Characteristics of the Teutonic Renaissance Lascaris. Aleaiider France. Intercourse with Italy. Greek studies. from 1507. Robert Estienue (Stephanus), and his son Henri.
The Cambridge Modern History Vol I The Renaissance (Lord Acton) by G. W. Prothero Litt. D., Stanley Leathes M. A. A. W. Ward Litt.D.
by Paul