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By Black & Decker Corporation (Towson, Md.); Creative Publishing International

ISBN-10: 1589233786

ISBN-13: 9781589233782

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3 If you are adding a wall to create the alcove, lay out the locations for the studs and plumbing on the new wood sill plate. Also lay out the stud locations on the cap plate that will be attached to the ceiling. Refer to the enclosure kit instructions for exact locations and dimensions of studs. Attach the sill plate to the floor with deck screws and panel adhesive, making sure it is square to the back wall and the correct distance from the side wall. 4 New wall stud Align a straight 2 × 4 right next to the sill plate and make a mark on the ceiling.

To hang it, simply lift it up and position the unit so the three mounting ears are underneath the three mounting screws and then spin the unit so all three ears fit into the mounting assembly. Wait until after the plumbing hookups have been made to lock the unit in place. 11 Drain stubout Y-fitting Attach the discharge tube to the disposer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is important to get a very good seal here, or the disposer will leak. Go ahead and spin the disposer if it helps you access the discharge port.

This allows you to locate and fix any leaks to prevent costly damage.

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The complete guide to plumbing : modern materials and current codes by Black & Decker Corporation (Towson, Md.); Creative Publishing International

by Mark

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