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By Jacques Lacan

One of the main influential French intellectuals of this century, Lacan is visible right here on the top of his powers.

Lacan dedicates this 7th yr of his recognized seminar to the troublesome function of ethics in psychoanalysis. Delving into the psychoanalyst's inevitable involvement with moral questions and "the allure of transgression," Lacan illuminates Freud's psychoanalytic paintings and its endured effect. Lacan explores the matter of sublimation, the ambiguity of jouissance, the essence of tragedy (a examining of Sophocle's Antigone), and the tragic measurement of analytic event. His exploration leads us to startling insights on "the outcome of man's courting to wish" and the conflicting judgments of ethics and analysis.

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But all that is just a stop on our journey. What I really want to do this morning is to give you an outline of this seminar. 2 We are faced with the question of what analysis allows us to formulate concerning the origin of morality. Is its contribution limited to the elaboration of a mythology that is more credible and more secular than that which claims to be revealed? I have in mind the reconstructed mythology of Totem and Taboo, which starts out from the experience of the original murder of the father, from the circumstances that give rise to it and its consequences.

If it’s hard, it is difficult to cut, since there are no natural breaks. If it’s very liquid, it is suddenly all over the place – I assume that you are all familiar with the experience of eating honey in bed at breakfast time. Hence the problem of pots. The honey pot is reminiscent of the mustard pot that I have already dealt with. The two have exactly the same meaning now that we no longer imagine that the hexagons in which we tend to store our harvest have a natural relationship to the structure of the world.

In the course of our investigation, we definitely must submit to our judgment that which in analysis has retained an affinity with, a relationship to, and a common root with, such an experience. Here we are touching on a prespective that has been little explored in analysis. It seems that from the moment of those first soundings, from the sudden flash of light that the Freudian experience cast on the paradoxical origins of desire, on the polymorphously perverse character of its infantile forms, a general tendency has led psychoanalysts to reduce the paradoxical origins in order to show their convergence in a harmonious conclusion.

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The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960 by Jacques Lacan

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