By Professor Benjamin Duke
ISBN-10: 0813544033
ISBN-13: 9780813544038
ISBN-10: 0813546486
ISBN-13: 9780813546483
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Itō left Chōshū in 1863 and Mori departed from Satsuma in 1865. Both daringly violated the central Tokugawa government’s edict of self-imposed international isolation. In unrelated episodes separated by two years, each of these two youthful adventurers illegally sailed for London among a small group of students. Arriving at the center of western modernism and industrialism, both were enrolled at the University of London, the great secular British institution that contrasted with the renowned churchrelated medieval universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
Nevertheless, following the humiliating British bombardment of their beloved capital, Satsuma realists prevailed. The bold plan to learn from their recent enemy was approved. Godai, at the age of twenty-four, was given responsibility to organize and lead the Satsuma students to London. Mori Arinori was chosen among the fourteen students for the mission. At the time he was studying English in a Satsuma school of western studies by the name of Yōgakkō Kaiseijo. That course followed Mori’s basic education in traditional Confucian studies and the martial arts at the clan school for samurai youth, the Zōshikan, where the local leadership class underwent its initial training.
40 The French also staged a presence in the late Tokugawa period. Their major contribution to the advancement of Japan took the form of the construction of the dockyards at Yokosuka and Yokohama near Edo. The contract called for the French to train two thousand Japanese in modern technology to operate the facility upon its completion. A French-language school was established in Yokohama to facilitate the process. 41 The dockyards in Nagasaki built by the Dutch and those in Yokohama-Yokosuka built by the French were necessary to handle the needs of a growing naval fleet during the late Tokugawa era.
The History of Modern Japanese Education: Constructing the National School System, 1872-1890 by Professor Benjamin Duke
by Mark