The History of Reading, Volume 1: International by Shafquat Towheed PDF

By Shafquat Towheed

ISBN-10: 0230316786

ISBN-13: 9780230316782

ISBN-10: 1349320056

ISBN-13: 9781349320059

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Extra info for The History of Reading, Volume 1: International Perspectives, c.1500–1990

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Nevertheless, the written versions retain the use of oral-formulaic formulae and repetition long after the mnemonic function which necessitated their employment in pre-literate cultures had become obsolete. All of this indicates that for at least a few centuries an essentially oral form of composition and narrative enjoyed popularity, even when composed by and intended for a literate society. There is, however, evidence that more solitary reading began to become popular at this time. 1). 3) is evidently a presentation copy, indicating that it was intended to be seen as much as heard.

27 These tables were designed to help readers put into practice what was almost universal advice: to read the whole Bible right through. 28 More often, though, there was no such preliminary ‘tasting’ or lead-in period. 30 To help readers, Tickell provided a summary account of each book of the Bible.

This was not always the case. Preliterate societies do not have recourse to the written word for recording their thoughts and histories. However, lack of writing does not mean that they do not have elaborately preserved thoughts and histories, only that they are stored in another form. By far the most straightforward form is oral recitation. But how does one remember long, complex, detailed histories without an aide-mémoire? A very simple mnemonic device is the use of verse. 4 Analyses of performances and interviews with illiterate Serbo-Croatian ‘histrions’ – able to recite hours-long verse histories – demonstrated how the use of verse-formulae was indispensable to the fluid maintenance of a recital.

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The History of Reading, Volume 1: International Perspectives, c.1500–1990 by Shafquat Towheed

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