New PDF release: The Liberal Party: Triumph and Disintegration, 1886–1929

By G. R. Searle

ISBN-10: 0312080395

ISBN-13: 9780312080396

ISBN-10: 0333559169

ISBN-13: 9780333559161

ISBN-10: 1349221651

ISBN-13: 9781349221653

ISBN-10: 1762092182

ISBN-13: 9781762092182

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The extraordinary union between Hartington and Chamberlain, joint leaders of the new Liberal Unionist Party, was proof of how the violent passions raised by the Irish issue had succeeded in making friends out of old adversaries and adversaries out of old friends. For about twenty years the main dividing line between parties was that between 'Home Rulers' (the Liberals and their Irish Nationalist allies) and 'Unionists' (the Conservatives and Li beral U nionis ts) . The defection of Chamberlain and his drift into Unionism meant that the forces of Radicalism were divided.

In a way it turned out to be the more important of the two measures. By this Act the single-member constituency for the first time became the norm, both in counties and in boroughs. ) three-member constituencies, they were now divided up into single-member constituencies of approximately equal size along lines which recognised the social and economic characteristics of specific urban areas. Thus, Manchester now had as many as six parliamentary constituencies, some of them 'mixed' in class terms, but some of them overwhelmingly middle-class or working-class.

34 In addition, the bitter disputes in the Commons over the Education Act provided an important milestone in the career of 39 The Liberal Party: Triumph and Disintegration, 1886-1929 David Lloyd George, who acted as the principal spokesman at Westminster of the angry Welsh Dissenters - from whose ranks he himself came. Lloyd George's own biographers are divided about his motives. Lloyd George had lost his belief in the tenets of Christianity, it seems, some time in his adolescence. But, as in present-day Northern Ireland, sectarian allegiance involved much more than a set of theological beliefs; it also denoted membership of a distinct community.

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The Liberal Party: Triumph and Disintegration, 1886–1929 by G. R. Searle

by George

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