By Jan Axelson
ISBN-10: 096508194X
ISBN-13: 9780965081948
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Eight data I/O pins (I/O1-I/O8) connect to the data bus and hold the bytes to be read or written. The RAM has three control inputs whose functions match those of the 8052’s control outputs. Pin 20 (CS1, or Chip Select 1) enables U7 whenever the 8052 reads or writes to the chip, with the address decoding determining the address range of the chip. 28 The Microcontroller Idea Book Powering Up Jumper J3 chooses the chip select for an 8K or 32K device. Some 8K RAMs have a second chip select (CS2), which is tied high (always selected) by J2.
Once you press ENTER, you can’t edit a line you’ve typed, unless you retype it from the beginning. BASIC-52 treats upper and lower-case characters the same. In most cases, spaces are ignored, so you can include them or not as you wish. Running a Program Here is a very simple program to try: 10 20 30 40 FOR I=1 to 10 PRINT I NEXT I END Enter each of the lines, including the line numbers. BASIC-52 automatically stores the program in RAM. To run the program, type RUN. You should see this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 To view the program lines, type LIST The Microcontroller Idea Book 39 Chapter 3 To erase the current program, type NEW To verify that the program no longer exists, type LIST You can change individual program lines by typing the line number, followed by a new statement: 10 FOR I=1 to 20 To erase a line, type the line number and press ENTER: 20 Getting Out of Trouble Occasionally, a programming error may cause a program to go into an endless loop or crash the system.
Adding Bootup Options The commands FPROG1-FPROG6 enable you to store additional information besides programs. FPROG1 saves the current baud rate and causes BASIC-52 to boot immediately to the READY prompt, without waiting to receive a SPACE character.
The Microcontroller Idea Book: Circuits Programs & Applications Featuring the 8052-Basic Single-Chip Computer by Jan Axelson
by Steven