By David Miles Huber
ISBN-10: 0240807987
ISBN-13: 9780240807980
The MIDI handbook is an entire reference on MIDI, written through a well-respected sound engineer and writer. This best-selling advisor presents a transparent rationalization of what MIDI is, how you can use digital tools and an evidence of sequencers and the way to exploit them. you are going to tips on how to arrange an effective MIDI approach and the way to get the easiest from your tune.
The MIDI handbook is packed choked with helpful counsel and sensible examples on sequencing and combining suggestions. It additionally covers editors/librarians, operating with a ranking, MIDI in mass media and multimedia and synchronisation. The MIDI spec is determined out intimately besides the necessary instructions on utilizing the implementation chart.
Illustrated all through with worthy photographs and screengrabs, this is often the main readable and transparent ebook on MIDI on hand.
* entire illustrated consultant to the MIDI spec and clarification of the implementation chart
* functional recommendation on sampling and sequencing, masking all of the significant DAWs
* contains all of the newest advancements in and software program
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Extra info for The MIDI Manual: A Practical Guide to MIDI in the Project Studio (3rd Edition)
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Soft Pedal Number: 67 When on, the volume of any played note is lowered. This parameter can be used on different channels to affect each part within a multi-timbral instrument. Legato Pedal Number: 68 This control is used to create a legato (or smooth transition) effect between notes. This is often achieved by not sounding the attack portion of the part’s voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) envelope. This effect can be used to simulate the phrasing of wind and brass players, as well as guitar pull-offs and hammer-ons (where secondary notes are not picked).
Stereo Balance controller data value ranges and corresponding settings. 29. Pan controller data value ranges. , when a crescendo or decrescendo is needed). This control works by dividing a part’s overall volume into 128 steps (or 16,384 if fine resolution is used), thereby making it possible to alter level over the course of a passage, without having to change the velocity levels of each note within that passage. , 127 in coarse resolution), the output level will be set to the part’s actual main volume setting.
A data byte is used to associate a value to the event that’s given by the accompanying status byte. Although a byte is made up of eight bits, the most significant bit (MSB; the leftmost binary bit within a digital word) is used solely to identify the byte type. 5). 1. ” Binary numbers (0’s and 1’s) are placed into groups (called binary words) that translate human concepts into an analogous language that’s spoken by computers. 1. 0 MIDI Channels Just as a public speaker might single out and communicate a message to one individual in a crowd, MIDI messages can be directed to communicate information to a specific device or range of devices within a MIDI system.
The MIDI Manual: A Practical Guide to MIDI in the Project Studio (3rd Edition) by David Miles Huber
by Kenneth