By Otto Seemann; G.H. Bianchi (ed. & trans.)
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Additional info for The Mythology of Greece and Rome - With Special Reference to Its Use In Art
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The Ephesian Artemis, known to us as "Diana of the Ephesians," was distinct from all that have been mentioned. She was, in fact, an Asiatic, not a Hellenic deity. he Greek Artemis, was likewise originally a goddess of the moon. As such,shepossessed a veryancientshrineon Mount Algidus,near Tusculum. Like the GreekArtemis, shewasalso regardedas the tutelarygoddessof women,and was invoked by women in childbirth. This wasalsothe casewith Artemis, although the Fig. -Diuna of Versailles. The Gods of Olympus.
It wasespeciallyobservedby all engaged in intellectual pursuits, and by artists and artisans. As Minerva wasalsopatronessof schools,the schoolboysalso took part in the celebration, and enjoyed,a welcome holiday. The virgin goddesswas at all times a favourite subject with ancient art. Even in the earliest times, before casting in bronze or marble sculpture was known, while the imagesof the gods wereas yet rudely carved in wood, Pallas was a frequent subject of delineation. Thesewoodenimagesusually representedthe goddess as standing upright with poised spear in front of the battle, and were then called Palladia.
The poets paint Aphrodite as the most beautiful of all the goddesses,whose magic power not even the wisest could withstand. Even wild animals were conscious of her influence, and pressed round her like lambs. She was endowed with the celebratedlove-begetting magic girdle, which she could lay aside at will and lend to others. And as she thus gave rise to passion in others, she herself was not free from its influence. This is evidencedby the numerous stories of her amours with the gods or favoured mortals, which it is so difficult to bring into harmony with each other.
The Mythology of Greece and Rome - With Special Reference to Its Use In Art by Otto Seemann; G.H. Bianchi (ed. & trans.)
by Richard