By Laura Joh Rowland
ISBN-10: 142996801X
ISBN-13: 9781429968010
July 1698. Sano Ichiro, the samurai detective who has risen to develop into the shogun's second-in-command, is investigating rumors of a plot to overthrow the ruling regime. whilst the research brings Sano's deputy Hirata to Lord Mori's property, he's surprised to discover Lord Mori murdered and grotesquely mutilated in his personal mattress, and Sano's pregnant spouse, Reiko, mendacity beside him. the single sturdy clue is a chrysanthemum soaked in blood.
Reiko's account of her activities is something yet stable. She insists that she went undercover to Lord Mori's property for you to examine claims that he molested and murdered younger boys. but if Sano inspects the crime scene, he reveals no hint of what Reiko defined. and each different witness tells a special tale: woman Mori alleges that Reiko was once Lord Mori's scorned mistress and murdered him for revenge. And Lord Mori himself, talking via a medium, claims his homicide used to be a part of Sano's plot to overthrow the shogun!
Unless Sano can turn out his wife's not going claims, either he and Reiko—and their unborn child—face execution for treason. Sano fights desperately to avoid wasting his relations and his honor, as Laura Joh Rowland attracts at the culture of the vintage movie Rashomon to carry us a masterful story of intrigue and treachery.
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Extra info for The Red Chrysanthemum (Sano Ichiro, Book 11)
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Whereas the latter tended to brush aside the kinds of problem mentioned in the previous paragraph as incidental by-products of the supreme task of expanding the wealth available ultimately to all, New Left thinkers were more concerned with the victims. Like the modernisation theorists, they wrote extensively about Japan before 1945, but unlike them they did not neglect the 1930s and early 1940s. Unlike ‘universalist’ democratic theorists such as Scalapino, they took a much more pessimistic view of the prospects for real democracy in Japan, pointing to deep social and political structures that militated against the formation of a true democracy with guarantees of accountability and effective popular participation.
Nevertheless, regional patterns varied greatly, and in some prefectures (Aomori, Saitama, Tokyo, Shiga, Kyōto, Nara, Wakayama and Kōchi) more teachers belonged to Zenkyō in 1992 than to Nikkyōso (Aspinall, pp 60–1). At national level, however, the influence of Zenkyō was slight.
Some modernisation theorists had argued, with statistics, that economic development had brought about an egalitarian trend in Japanese society, rather than the other way round. On the other hand, some on the left pointed to structural inequalities in employment systems and between types of firm. An example of the first is Murakami Yasusuke, who in the 1970s popularised the concept of ‘middle mass’ (1982). Having noticed that in public opinion polls very high proportions of those polled identified themselves as ‘middle class’, he suggested that Japan had created mass society, but the ‘mass’ was middle class, rather than, according to the classic formulation, working class.
The Red Chrysanthemum (Sano Ichiro, Book 11) by Laura Joh Rowland
by Kenneth