Read e-book online The Scientification of the Jewish Question in Nazi Germany PDF

By Horst Junginger

ISBN-10: 9004341072

ISBN-13: 9789004341074

ISBN-10: 9004341889

ISBN-13: 9789004341883

The Scientification of the "Jewish query" in Nazi Germany describes the try out of quite a lot of German students to counter the vanishing impression of non secular prejudices opposed to the Jews with a brand new antisemitic purpose. As anti-Jewish stereotypes of an old school soteriological sort had turn into dysfunctional less than the strain of secularization, a brand new, extra target clarification used to be had to justify the age-old probability of Judaism within the current. within the Nineteen Thirties a brand new study box known as “Judenforschung” (Jew study) emerged. Its best figures amalgamated racial and spiritual positive aspects to make sure the life of an enduring “Jewish problem”. besides that they provided scholarly suggestions for its resolution.

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Not for nothing had the Messiah been born to a pure virgin. 26 Because of the ambivalent nature inherent in the blood of Jesus it was not surprising that after the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, when the doctrine of transubstantiation became dogma, images of a Jewish sacrilege of blood and host desecration spread rapidly. It was said of the Jews that they would desecrate the Holy Host with knives and other sharp implements and used the blood that flowed from it for their own strange rites. Thorns as instruments of martyrdom used for this purpose presented a functional equivalent of the crown of thorns with which Jesus was tormented before his death.

And yet this is exactly what happened after 1933 when a new form of antisemitism emerged under the name of a National Socialist “Jew research” ( Judenforschung). Its purpose was to give the anti-Jewish policy of the Third Reich a theoretical legitimacy. An antisemitism that considered itself to be scientific in nature was indeed a historical novelty. It did not, however, arise from within a vacuum ex nihilo. Conventional forms of animosity towards the Jews preceded it, the content of which it affiliated itself with and on the foundation of which it was built.

165–87 as well as Roland Deigendesch, Judenfeindschaft am Uracher Hof? Zu einer verschollenen und wiederentdeckten Handschrift aus dem Umkreis Eberhards V. von Württemberg, Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 64, 2005, pp. 85–102. 5 Lang, Ausgrenzung und Koexistenz, p. ; Rudolf Roth, Urkunden der Geschichte der Universität Tübingen aus den Jahren 1476 bis 1550, Tübingen 1877, p. 36; and Karl Klüpfel, Geschichte und Beschreibung der Universität Tübingen, Tübingen 1849 (reprint in 1977), here vol.

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The Scientification of the Jewish Question in Nazi Germany by Horst Junginger

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