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By C. G. Jung, Gerhard Adler, R. F.C. Hull

This quantity is a miscellany of writings that Jung released after the gathered Works have been deliberate, minor and fugitive works that he needed to assign to a different quantity, and early writings that got here to mild during research.

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But the Pueblo Indians derive consciousness from the intensity of feeling. Abstract thought does not exist for them. As the Pueblo Indians are sun-worshippers, I tried the argument of St. Augustine on them. I told them that God is not the sun but the one who made the sun. 3 They could not accept this because they cannot go beyond the perceptions of their senses and their feeli"ngs. , par. 162 and n. J XXXI\'. 2. Cf. , vol. s) , · 10 LECTURE I fore consciousness and thought to them are localized in the heart.

To him a thing is true when it is real. Consider what it means to an intuitive when something is real. It is just the 'nong thing; it should not be, something else should be. But when a sensation type does not have a given reality-four '\·ails in "·hich to be-he is sick. Give the intuitive type four walls in which to be, and the only thing is how to get out of it, because to him a given situation is a prison which must be undone in the shortest time so that he can be off to new possibilities. These differences play a very great role in practical psychology.

By sensation I understand what the French psychologists call "la fonction du reel," which is the sum-total of my awareness of external facts given to me through the function of my senses. So I think that the French term "la fonction du reel" explains it in the most comprehensive way. Sensation tells me that something is: it does not tell me what it is and it does not tell me other things about that something; it only tells me that something is. The next function that is distinguishable is thinking.

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The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings by C. G. Jung, Gerhard Adler, R. F.C. Hull

by Steven

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