By James Wasserman
ISBN-10: 1594778736
ISBN-13: 9781594778735
In this e-book, occult student and mystery society member James Wasserman offers compelling proof that the interplay of the Knights Templar and the Assassins within the Holy Land reworked the Templars right into a real occult society, from which they'd sow the seeds of the Renaissance and the Western secret culture. either orders have been destroyed as heretical a few seven-hundred years in the past, yet survivors have carried at the mystery teachings to today. Wasserman strips the myths from either teams and penetrates to the guts in their enlightened ideals and rigorous practices, offering the main probing photograph but of those holy warriors.
A thousand years in the past Christian battled Muslim for ownership of a strip of land upon which either their religions have been based. those Crusades replaced the process Western heritage, yet much less identified is the truth that in addition they have been the assembly flooring for 2 mythical mystery societies: The Knights Templar and their Muslim opposite numbers, the Assassins.
In The Templars and the Assassins: The armed forces of Heaven, occult pupil and mystery society member James Wasserman offers compelling proof that the interplay of the Knights Templar and the Assassins within the Holy Land remodeled the Templars from the Pope's inner most military right into a actual occult society, from which they might sow the seeds of the Renaissance and the Western secret culture. either orders have been destroyed as heretical a few 700 years in the past, yet Templar survivors are believed to have carried the key teachings of the East into an occult underground, from which sprang either Rosicrucianism and Masonry. murderer survivors, often called Nizari Ismailis, flourish to today below the management of the Aga Khan. Wasserman strips the myths from either teams and penetrates to the guts in their enlightened ideals and rigorous practices, supplying the main probing photograph but of those holy warriors.
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30. Barthe (1957: ‘Le Mythe, aujourd’hui’ (‘Myth today’)). 31. Lévi-Strauss and Eribon (1998: 107). 32. Frye (1957, 1963). 33. Cf. Durand (1992: 35–7). 34. For example, Jung and Kerényi (1951). 35. See Kerényi (1976a, 1976b). 36. See the ingenious solution of Sauzeau (2010). 37. Dowden (forthcoming). ‘Fact and fiction in the New Mythology: 100 BC–AD 100’, in J. R. Morgan, I. Repath (eds), ‘Where the Truth Lies’: Lies and Metafiction in Ancient Literature, Groningen. 38. See Borg (2004), in which several essays are of interest to the student of mythology.
156); an instance of the principle, which has applied throughout human history, that colonization can also happen in reverse. We might draw an alternative metaphor from myth itself: the story in which Zeus’ first wife Metis – Cunning Intelligence personified – is pregnant with the wise goddess Athene, and Zeus is warned that his next offspring will be a son destined to overthrow his father. Zeus pre-empts this by swallowing Metis. Metis becomes the Intelligence of Zeus, and Zeus himself gives birth to Athene (Hesiod, Theogony 886–900; F 343 MW, F 294 Most).
Yet even they will acknowledge that some genuine movements of Greek peoples are reflected in the mythology: the colonization of Rhodes by peoples of the Argolid may be reflected in the mythology (Dowden 1989: 150) and Troy may reflect the takeover of the Asia Minor seaboard by the colonizing Greeks (Dowden 1992: 68). But Troy is the key case where we need to set aside naive views, stemming from Schliemann, which dignify material finds through association with mythic culture as though it were simply history.
The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven by James Wasserman
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