By Robert H. Gundry
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Extra info for The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew's Gospel. With Special Reference to the Messianic Hope (Supplements to Novum Testamentum 18)
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6; Dan v. LOU ~WC; &v 6w TOUC; ex6pouc; aou U'ltOXcXTW TWV 'lto8wv aou. Mt XUPLOC; NBDZ] b XUPLOC; 'Yell C; Mk XUPLOC; BD] b XUPLOC; NAB pi C; Lk U'ltoxcX't'w D it syr (= assimilation to Mt and Mk)] u'lto'lt61hov 'Yell (= the usually adopted text) XUPLOC; BD 579] b XUPLOC; 'Yell Acts XUPLOC; B*N*D] b XUPLOC; 'Yell U'ltOX&'TW] Acts = u'lto'lt68LOV Heb om d'ltEV. . LOU U'ltOXcXTW] Heb = u'lto'lt68LOV Cf. Heb 2: 8-U'ltOXcXTW; 10: 13-U'ltO'lt68LOV; I Cor 15: 25. l'? 1~N n'WN '117 'l'~'? 1W ~l'N? m;,~ CNl Ps 8: 7.
Although in Jewish thought the ideas of consequence and purpose became partially fused-so that Mt's aTL is justified-yet the telic idea was not lost (see K. L. Schmidt, TZ, 1 [1945], 1-17; C. F. D. Moule, An Idiom Book of NT Greek [Cambridge, 1953], 143; E. F. Sutcliffe, Biblica, 35 [1954], 320-327; F. Hesse, Das Verstockungsproblem Suppl. , XVIII 3 34 THE TEXT-FORM OF THE QUOTATIONS the allusion to Is into a further direct quotation in which the hardness of the people's hearts fulfils the divine decree hardly softens the thought.
Field on the propriety of the comparison to a "den of robbers" (Notes on the Translation of the NT [Cambridge, IB99], 15). a In Jer the people were committing flagrant sins and then coming to the Temple to insure themselves against the consequences, as if the Temple were a "den of robbers" to which they could flee for safety after engaging in banditry. Worse was the situation in the NT, for the banditry took place right within the precincts of the Temple. S On this expression as meaning a capstone, see J.
The Use of the Old Testament in St. Matthew's Gospel. With Special Reference to the Messianic Hope (Supplements to Novum Testamentum 18) by Robert H. Gundry
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