By Timothy Raison
ISBN-10: 0312040792
ISBN-13: 9780312040796
ISBN-10: 1349103462
ISBN-13: 9781349103461
ISBN-10: 1349103489
ISBN-13: 9781349103485
This ebook is anxious with domestic affairs or social coverage within the British method - specifically in schooling, well-being, housing, social defense and points of the house Office's paintings. It handles the topic by way of what the Conservative get together suggestion and did approximately it from 1939 to 1988.
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In a policy statement, Challenge to Britain, the Labour party committed itself to the abolition of the eleven-plus and the principle of the single comprehensive school, claiming both educational and social reasons for doing so. It was the beginning of a long battle. Churchill's government came to an end when he resigned on 5 April 1955. He had not of course taken an immense interest in social policy, but every now and then something would spark his attention - perhaps recalling old battles about national insurance in his Liberal days; and the record of his peacetime administration was one of useful conventional progress, although with resources still hard-pressed to meet needs.
7 It was able to make a strong case against the government. It argued that houses were being built less efficiently and at much greater cost than before the war - areport had shown that it took three men to build wh at it took two men before the war. By concentrating the housing effort on local authorities and restricting the efforts of private builders the government had prevented the latter from acting as pace-makers. The work of local authorities had anyway been repeatedly upset by changes in government policy.
That leadership, which by its nature the state cannot exercise, depends on the existence of aggregations of wealth at the dis pos al of individuaIs. 15 28 Tories and the Welfare State The pamphlet adds that 'Private property is an equipoise to political power'. The pamphlet then settles down to consider the specific areas of social policy. There is a slightly muddled chapter on population policy, in which the key point seems to be that 'The future greatness and prosperity of Britain will depend on whether enough children are born, and on whether the children that are born are healthy and intelligent'.
Tories and the Welfare State: A History of Conservative Social Policy since the Second World War by Timothy Raison
by Brian