By Bernard Brandchaft
ISBN-10: 0203883365
ISBN-13: 9780203883365
ISBN-10: 0415997836
ISBN-13: 9780415997836
ISBN-10: 0415997844
ISBN-13: 9780415997843
Encountering Brandchaft --
Toward an emancipatory psychoanalysis --
Reconsiderations of psychoanalytic listening --
Theoretical reconsiderations --
A case of intractable melancholy --
Bonds that shackle, ties that unfastened --
Whose self is it besides? --
Codetermination and alter in psychoanalysis --
To loose the spirit from its telephone --
The self and its gadgets in developmental trauma --
Obsessional problems: a developmental platforms point of view --
Systems of pathological lodging in psychoanalysis --
Reflections at the subconscious --
Brandchaft's intersubjective imaginative and prescient.
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To my thinking, it has proved invaluable in illuminating the process of human psychological development and pathogenesis and in extending the analyst’s ability to influence outcomes beyond the bounds within which it had previously been constrained. The perspective, like a number of others, initially arose in reaction to dissatisfaction with Freud’s metapsychological theories and their picture of the mind as an isolated “mental apparatus” fueled by drive energies striving for expression and in conflict with each other.
He or she is then thrown into a comfortless and preoccupying perturbation. This may be manifest, as it was in Freud’s early patients, by a system of double-tracking dissociation (Breuer & Freud, 1893–1985, p. 12) or by competing identificatory systems (Freud, 1923, pp. 30–31). Or the resulting perturbation may take the form of a montage of oscillating and competing mental images and affects manifested as a state of tormented and ceaseless doubt (Freud, 1917a). Sometimes the perturbation is signaled by the onset of a deepening, intractable depression.
Gedo also remarked that the disquiet occasioned by Kohut’s seemingly small methodological departure was such that “without the personal influence of Maxwell Gitelson, this seminal paper might well not have been published in the official journal of American psychoanalysis” (p. 315). We are now in a position to appreciate better the consternation caused by Kohut’s paper and to assess some of the fruits of Kohut’s efforts. A€ seemingly small and innocuous departure developed into a major 1 T his chapter is based in part on a paper presented at a conference of the Southern California Psychoanalytic Institute, Beverly Hills, CA, March 17, 1982.
Toward an emancipatory psychoanalysis : Brandchaft's intersubjective vision by Bernard Brandchaft
by William