Download PDF by George Alexander Flanagan: Understand and Enjoy Modern Art

By George Alexander Flanagan

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Look Then up the book and turn the picture upside down. Look at picture for at least two minutes— by the watch. Next, study the diagram for a minute or two. Turn it upside down, too. pick down the upside Now just a minute, please. If you haven't followed the instructions and studied the pictures for the required length of time, please go back and do so before reading on. This Michelangelo reproduction, with its diagram, contains an important clue to the meaning of modern art. Shouldn't it be well worth spending a total of six minutes trying to see it?

Design sometimes may be dull or cold— but it need not be. Those made by the simplification (that is, the mere conventionalizing or the formalizing) of natural objects, such as flowers, are the most elemendesigns examples of design tary — the common garden variety. It the kind of is design most frequently applied to utilitarian objects, and, of course, can easily be uninspired and hackneyed. But design in art a lore, a language of can also its rise far own— a above Great design can have this. language that is not unintelligible to per- sons with a keen aesthetic sense.

Unfortunately, however, the art world of the academics for a long original scene. The natural scene used by the artist as a subject for seldom composes itself perfectly. Everything is haphazard; the his picture location is full of pictorially undesirable objects. composition. The academic artist composes his picture by rearranging him and by eliminating undesirable material (such as telephone poles, and so on). But his painting still remains a realistic picture. b. the objects before c. design.

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Understand and Enjoy Modern Art by George Alexander Flanagan

by Anthony

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