Vertebrate Fetal Membranes: Comparative Ontogeny and - download pdf or read online

By Harland W. Mossman

ISBN-10: 1349090654

ISBN-13: 9781349090655

ISBN-10: 1349090670

ISBN-13: 9781349090679

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Acanthias disappears, the right vein becomes rudimentary, and the right artery and left vein persist as the functional vessels. 3. There is a sparse vascular net in the upper or proximal portion of the somatopleure of the yolk sac. This is apparently related to the subcutaneous net of the body and not to the splanchnopleuric system (TeWinkel, 1943 and personal communication). Controversial or uncertain points regarding the vitelline circulation are: 1. Does the somatopleuric net have any developmental relation to that of the splanchnopleure?

The yolk sac circulation of teleosts and amphibians is unusual both because it is entirely venous and because the vessels seem to be somatopleuric rather than splanchnopleuric. The vessels are usually more or less continuous with those of the somatopleuric pericardium, especially in viviparous species. In all teleosts, upon disappearance of the yolk, the vessels probably remain as part of the vascular system of the ventral and lateral body wall, rather than as part of the gut as in all tetrapods except amphibians.

At least one viviparous ray, Torpedo (Ruckert & Mollier, 1906), also has the yolk stalk appendiculae, but a detailed description of the placentation of this species is lacking. The characteristic differences between this group and those described in Group 2 are the former's greatly reduced yolk and its yolk stalk appendiculae. 4. In some rays, Raja (Clark, 1921), Gymnura (Pteroplataea) maclura, and Dasyatis sayi (Gudger, 1912), there is a large yolk sac but no specialized yolk sac. attachment. The uterine wall is highly villous and glandular, and its secretion is supposed to be absorbed by the greatly hypertrophied external gill filaments.

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Vertebrate Fetal Membranes: Comparative Ontogeny and Morphology; Evolution; Phylogenetic Significance; Basic Functions; Research Opportunities by Harland W. Mossman

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