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By Manon Mathias

ISBN-10: 0198735391

ISBN-13: 9780198735397

The 1st research of George Sand and imaginative and prescient, this ebook considers the pull among the visible and the visionary in nineteenth-century France via an exam of Sand's novels. With an in depth corpus starting from Sand's early texts via to her later, much less commonplace works, it repositions Sand's oeuvre along that of the key realist authors and demonstrates her particular knowing of the unconventional as a mixture of the concrete and the summary. by way of learning Sand's engagement with visible versions linked to realism--the reflect, the version of portray, and the clinical gaze--this e-book proposes a extra sustained discussion among Sand's paintings and realism than has hitherto been stated, yet argues that Sand appreciably reworks those versions to depict a dynamic, mysterious and ever-changing international. while Sand has been learn as an writer bypassing fact in favour of the precise, this learn indicates that she is devoted to actual remark, yet that she continuously ties this strategy with the conceptual and the visionary. The publication breaks new flooring particularly by way of interpreting Sand's literary engagement with the visible arts, and it additionally bargains the 1st sustained attention of Sand as a systematic author. by way of reading Sand's oeuvre from the point of view of imaginative and prescient, this examine not just reassesses Sand's writing perform, but in addition rethinks the kin among the visible and the radical during this interval. extra particularly, it argues that Sand's paintings demanding situations our technique of theorizing those family. In her rejection of binaries and her syncretic realizing of imaginative and prescient, Sand breaks traditional different types and writes novels which are immediately realist, visionary, mystical and scientific.

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Semblent raconter une vie de souffrances’ (p. 337). Significantly, she is entirely submissive: ‘elle suivait [Ralph] en silence comme un bon génie chargé de l’enlever à la terre et de la délivrer de ses tourments’ (p. 312). We are no longer privy to her thoughts and visions, but rather to Ralph’s account of his own ‘vie intérieure’ (p. 263) and to the thoughts and impressions of a male narrator. Whereas Ralph’s visions are beyond representation, Indiana’s visions disappear completely. This is also true of Sand’s other two heroines, Valentine and Lélia, who are even more explicitly silenced through their deaths.

For most of the novel, he is frustratingly enigmatic. The inhabitants of the island of Bourbon, for instance, fail to reach a coherent understanding of this character: ‘Lorsque, par un sentiment d’oisive curiosité, j’avais questionné les colons sur son compte, leurs réponses furent si étranges, si contradictoires, que j’examinai avec plus d’attention le solitaire de Bernica’ (p. 334, added emphasis). We are repeatedly told of his unreadable nature: ‘Ralph fut impénétrable’ (p. ’ (p. 156). Ralph’s indecipherable status prevails in the conclusion, when the narrator states: ‘j’avais pensé bien souvent à lui; il m’était apparu dans mes rêves: j’éprouvais en songeant à lui, cette vague inquiétude, cette inexprimable émotion’ (p.

Even within the alternative space of Bernica, Sand highlights the difficulties of representation, specifically the representation of visions beyond empirical reality. It is perhaps for this reason that Indiana never fully reaches her visionary potential in this novel. Many have read the ending of Indiana as a positive outcome. James Vest, for example, notes that ‘the dreams in Indiana . . 87 But the conclusion highlights Ralph and Indiana’s isolation from France and from the other inhabitants on the island, rather than integration and harmony.

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Vision in the novels of George Sand by Manon Mathias

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