By Geoffrey Symcox
ISBN-10: 1349022292
ISBN-13: 9781349022298
ISBN-10: 1349022314
ISBN-13: 9781349022311
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Additional info for War, Diplomacy, and Imperialism, 1618–1763
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Small-arms cartridges seem to have been used on a limited scale in the early seventeenth century: Gustavus Adolphus's musketeers may have had them, but their greater rate of fire was mainly the result of better weapon training. By the later years of the century, however, cartridges had come into general use in most European armies, with INTRODUCTION a resultant increase in the practicable rate of fire per man. Then the introduction of the socket bayonet-probably invented by V au ban about I 687, and soon adopted by west European armiesled to a further increase in total firepower, putting an end to the traditional division of infantry into pikemen and musketeers.
Certain patrician families of Berne, for example, founded their fortunes in this way, while in Hesse-Cassel the trade was run by the government. Other mercenaries came from the poorer regions of eastern Europe, like the Croats, who fought for Conde at Rocroi (Document I o) but more usually served the Austrian Hapsburgs. The endless border skirmishing against the Turks ensured that the recruits were good military material, but not always amenable to the discipline required by west European armies.
4 vols. (London, I7Io-I7J2), vol. 1, pp. 1-38. WAR, DIPLOMACY, AND IMPERIALISM, I 6 I 8- I 7 6 3 brought peace to Germany. This treaty must be read as part of a series of related agreements, references to which occur from time to time in the text. It settled the dispute between the King of France and the Hapsburg Emperor. The war that was still going on between France and the Spanish Hapsburgs was considered a separate struggle. e. the Spanish Netherlands. What this meant was that France had forced the Emperor to make a separate peace, to abandon his Spanish cousin and ally, and to promise not to aid him in the crucial theater of the southern Netherlands, where the French were now free to concentrate their forces and make important territorial gains.
War, Diplomacy, and Imperialism, 1618–1763 by Geoffrey Symcox
by Paul