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By Andrey Petrin

ISBN-10: 9537619656

ISBN-13: 9789537619657

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M. and Reitich, F. (2008). A CG-FFT approach to the solution of a stress-velocity formulation of three-dimensional scattering problems, Journal of Computational physics, 227, 10018-10039. 2 Uniform Asymptotic Physical Optics Solutions for a Set of Diffraction Problems Giovanni Riccio University of Salerno Italy 1. Introduction Scattering occurs when an object, inserted in the path of a propagating electromagnetic (EM) wave, modifies the field distribution in the surrounding space. The ability to describe and solve scattering problems is the key to very important applications such as planning radio links, designing antennas and identifying radar targets.

125) for the integral (127) where ζ = μ0η2 and ηR is defined by FR(ξr, ηR) = 0. The path of integration in the complex η plane shown in Fig. 5 is used for the evaluation of the integral. In the following, the relationship between the right-hand side of Eq. (127) and the eigenfunctions is presented. Let vi(x 3, ξr, η) ∈ D( ) satisfy (128) 22 Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications Fig. 5. Path of the integral. and define the scalar function W(η) such that (129) It is easy to derive the following properties of W(η) by means of the boundary conditions for vi : (130) Note that vi(x 3, ξr, ηR) becomes the eigenfunction (Rayleigh wave mode) satisfying the free boundary conditions.

Amplitude of Eφ if Eβi ' = 0 , Eiφ ' = 1 and β ' = 90° , φ ' = 45° . Circular path with ρ = 5 λ 0 . 125 λ 0 . , the principal axes of anisotropy does not exist and Z x' = Zz' = Z ), R 12 = R 21 = 0 , whereas R 11 and R 22 reduce to the standard reflection coefficients for parallel and perpendicular polarisations. If the illuminated surface is perfectly electrically conducting, the out diagonal elements are again equal to zero, whereas R 11 = 1 and R 22 = −1 since Z x' = Zz' = 0 . Fig. 16. Amplitude of Eβ if Eβi ' = 1 , Eiφ ' = 0 and β ' = 90° , φ ' = 60° .

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Wave Propagation in Materials for Modern Applications by Andrey Petrin

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