By David W. Plath, Samuel Coleman
ISBN-10: 0873957059
ISBN-13: 9780873957052
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In the public corporation, Skinner finds "aborted careers" to be the usual fate. A national ministry supervises this corporation, and as a means to regularize its own internal promotion flow, the ministry regularly posts its own civil servants out to tours of duty in the corporation. So upper-level positions in the corporation are "colonized" by the ministry, and few men are promoted from the inside. Employees find themselves moved arbitrarily, often on short notice, to new assignments, so that they can form no clear idea of what ''normal" career progress ought to be.
These are case studies. We do not offer them as representative of all Japan, the typical picture of the tenured worker. In a "growth industry," whether in the public or private sector, the promotion and assignment outlook can be very bright indeed. But we are suggesting that figures on lifetime employment in Japan are not very significant in the absence of figures on lifetime opportunity. Can you survive outside the organization? The men described in Part Two are in the ideal-type industrial Page 10 career setting; continuity in their working life is supplied by the framework of a large organization.
9 million. 7 percent. After 1950 (estimates are far too poor to use for 1940-1950), growth of employment was in some respects even more dramatic than the prewar period, It rose from almost 36 million in 1950 to 53 million in 1975 an absolute expansion in 95 years greater than that for the 65 years from 1875 to 1940. (Prior to 1955, the count in. 3 million in 1975. 1 percent in the 1960's, continuing the acceleration experienced in the prewar decades. Since 1970, the rate of climb has eased considerably, largely reflecting the sharp fall in birthrates in the 1950's.
Work and lifecourse in Japan by David W. Plath, Samuel Coleman
by Christopher