By Habibullah Tegey
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802 Semidirectional Interchange With Loops ............................................................... 802 Offset Interchange via Ramp Highway.................................................................. 803 Four-Leg Interchange, Diamond With a Semidirect Connection.............................. 804 Four-Leg Interchange, Cloverleaf With a Semidirect Connection ............................ 805 Complex Interchange Arrangement.......................................................................
The goal of cost-effective design is not merely to give priority to the most beneficial individual projects but to provide the most benefits to the highway system of which each project is a part. Most of the technical material that follows is detailed or descriptive design information. Design guidelines are included for freeways, arterials, collectors, and local roads, in both urban and rural locations, paralleling the functional classification used in highway planning. The book is organized into functional chapters to stress the relationship between highway design and highway function.
In practice, direct access to arterials and collectors should be provided from commercial and residential properties, particularly in established neighborhoods. In short, each element of the functional hierarchy can serve as a collecting facility for the next higher element, but an element should be present only where the intermediate collection is needed to satisfy the spacing needs and traffic volume demands of the next higher facility. By defining the spacing needs and traffic volume demands for a system element, it is possible to determine which cases should use the full system and in which cases intermediate elements may be bypassed.
A Reference Grammar of Pashto. Pashto by Habibullah Tegey
by Ronald