Download PDF by Kathleen Krull: Sigmund Freud (Giants of Science)

By Kathleen Krull

ISBN-10: 1440678332

ISBN-13: 9781440678332

Kathleen Krull proves Sigmund Freud merits a spot in her much-lauded sequence, simply because he basically created a brand-new department of drugs: psychoanalysis.

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The earliest memories have been unearthed, the deepest roots dug up ; the transference was nothing but the wish-fulfilling fantasy of a child's paradise or a regression to the old family situation ; the way to a normally disillusioned life is now open. But then comes the period of education, which makes us realize that no confession and no amount of explaining will make the ill-formed tree grow straight, but that it must be trained with the gardener's art upon the trellis before normal adaptation can be attained.

This is why each of us has his own private opinion about psychology and is even convinced that he knows more about it than anyone else. Psychiatrists, because they must struggle with their patients' families and guardians whose " understanding " is proverbial, are perhaps the first as a professional group to become aware of that blind prejudice which encourages every man to take himself as his own best authority in psychological matters. " One of them went so far as to confess : " There are only two normal people in this city-Professor B.

Since there was no direct and close connection between the dreamer and his sister he could find in this image little that was personal to him. Then suddenly it occurred to him that two years earlier he had taken up the study of occultism, and that it was this which had led him to psychology. The child was evidently his interest in the things of the psyche, an idea which I should never have hit upon of my own accord. Looked at from the side of theory, this dream-image can mean anything or nothing.

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Sigmund Freud (Giants of Science) by Kathleen Krull

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