By Henry Pelling (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0333033248
ISBN-13: 9780333033241
ISBN-10: 1349862096
ISBN-13: 9781349862092
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Meanwhile the configuration of the extra-parliamentary party was changing all the time. There were certain formal changes that operated in the direction of increasing the party's discipline and acceptance of leadership from above. , and the left-wing George Lansbury ceased to be editor. At the same time the Communist Party with financial help from Moscow emerged as a highly disciplined group on the Left demanding still more insistently to be admitted to affiliation to the Labour Party; and when this was refused, its members attempted to infiltrate and win control of the local Labour Parties.
He referred the matter to the parliamentary party, which by a tiny majority was opposed to taking office; but the National Executive favoured it, and the issue was resolved by a joint meeting of the Executive and the parliamentary party, at which the majority of the latter were overruled. P. in Parliament. s took junior office. The influence of the Labour Party upon the actual conduct of government was not very noticeable at first. It seemed rather that the party was a prisoner of the other parties, obliged to take responsibility for various measures that were bound to be unpopular in the labour movement.
Ers - MacDonald had long worn the martyr's crown as the principal opponent of the war. The 52 The MacDonald Leadership (1922-31) Clydeside men were soon to regret their choice, because of the very moderate tone of MacDonald's domestic policies. But by then it was too late: for the 'leader' as he had become benefited from the sturdy loyalty of the trade unionists, who gave him the same trust as they themselves would have expected from the rank and file of a trade union during an industrial strike.
A Short History of the Labour Party by Henry Pelling (auth.)
by Christopher