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By Peter Ackers, Alastair J. Reid (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3319341618

ISBN-13: 9783319341613

ISBN-10: 3319341626

ISBN-13: 9783319341620

This e-book poses an immense revisionist problem to twentieth century British labour background, aiming to seem past the Marxist and Fabian exclusion of operating category event, significantly faith and self-help, as a way to exaggerate ‘labour flow’ classification harmony. rather than a ‘forward march’ to secular state-socialism, the learn provided this is dedicated to a wealthy range of social events and ideas. during this selection of essays, the editors determine the liberal-pluralist culture, with the subsequent chapters overlaying 3 specified sections. half One, ‘Other kinds of organization’ covers matters corresponding to alternate unions, the Co-operative occasion, women’s group activism and Protestant Nonconformity. half , ‘Other Leaders’, covers service provider Edward Cadbury; Trades Union Congress chief Walter Citrine; and the electricians’ chief, Frank Chapple. half 3, ‘Other Intellectuals’, considers G.D.H. Cole, Michael younger and left libertarianism by means of Stuart White. Readers drawn to the British Labour move will locate this a useful resource.

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20.  Scruton, The Meaning of Conservatism (New York, 1980) to ‘autonomous institutions that are not subordinate to government aims’, pp. x, 152. M. Bevir, ‘A history of modern pluralism’, in M. ), Modern Pluralism.  10. 22.  17. J. ), Modern Pluralism, pp. 21–39. For the ‘traditional whig’ roots of pluralism, see D.  Runciman, Pluralism and the Personality of the State (Cambridge, 1997). 24. M. Stears, Progressives, Pluralists, and the Problems of the State.  40–59. 24 P. J. REID 25.  Ackers, ‘Finding the future in the past?

12 This is precisely the same observation that Figgis had made over 50 years earlier and which was noted at the beginning of this chapter. Moreover, it was not an observation confined to social democratic or ‘left’ patterns of thought. 13 That trade union membership carried meanings and significance that went beyond the specifically material was even recognized by those Conservatives who, in the later 1970s, were examining measures to weaken the trade unions as malign influences upon the economy.

297–331; B. Hindess, ‘The decline of working-class politics: a reappraisal’, p. 233, in B. Pimlott and C. Cook (eds), Trade Unions in British Politics (London, 1991). 66. J.  207. 67.  Middleton, ‘“Affluence” and the Left in Britain, c.  107–38. 68.  Harrison, Seeking a Role. The United Kingdom 1951–1970; and Finding a Role. The United Kingdom 1970–1990 (Oxford, 2009, 2010); and P. Addison, No Turning Back. The Peacetime Revolutions of Post-War Britain (Oxford, 2010). PART 1 Other Forms of Association CHAPTER 2 Trade Unions: Voluntary Associations and Individual Rights Richard Whiting Trade unions have been among the most important and distinctive organizations in British associational life in the modern period.

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Alternatives to State-Socialism in Britain: Other Worlds of Labour in the Twentieth Century by Peter Ackers, Alastair J. Reid (eds.)

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