Download e-book for iPad: Seeing Motion: A History of Visual Perception in Art and by Romana Karla Schuler

By Romana Karla Schuler

ISBN-10: 311042696X

ISBN-13: 9783110426960

Der zentrale Fokus dieser Publikation ist die Synthese von Wissenschaft und Kunst im Bereich der visuellen Wahrnehmung, insbesondere der Einfluss der im 19. Jahrhundert einsetzenden Wahrnehmungsforschung zu Illusionen, kinetischen Scheinfiguren und Scheinbewegungen auf die apparative/ maschinelle, kinetische Kunst des 20. und auf die computergestutzte visuelle Kunst des 21. Jahrhunderts.


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Extra info for Seeing Motion: A History of Visual Perception in Art and Science

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Zöllner’s research too was focused on this topic. ”96/* Zöllner’s observations were dedicated specifically to the problems of parallelisms: when we might perceive the concept of two lines as being parallel, and how we might determine this parallelism when our visual perception was unable to convey the parallel lines even though we were aware of the optical illusion. We define two lines as being parallel when the shortest distance of all its points are the same. When the lines are so far apart that they can’t comfortably be recognized, measuring instruments need to be used to compare the distance at various points in order to finally determine whether the equal or unequal points are parallel or not parallel.

Zöllner’s Illusion The German physicist Johann Karl Friedrich Zöllner had been focused on Plateau’s and oppel’s experiments for a long time. he tried to unite his own so-called Zöllner Figure – an optically conspicuous illusion – with those of Plateau and oppel. With his optical pattern Zöllner was able to keep an active discussion going among the scientists on perception psychology. * The Zöllner Figure was examined in detail and was included in the experimental discussions of such renowned colleagues as Franz Brentano, Ernst Mach, Alois höfler or Friedrich Schumann.

The daedaleum brought on the market as a toy was called zoëtrope, wonder drum or wheel of life. It quickly became popular and was produced and sold until the beginning of the twentieth century. William G. horner was also the first to attempt to explain the stroboscopic phenomenon mathematically. As a premise for the occurrence of the stroboscopic illusion, he measured the distance between the respective viewer and the cylinder. An entirely different but equally innovative invention for the presentation of moving pictures is traced back to the Austrian artillery captain Franz von Uchatius.

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Seeing Motion: A History of Visual Perception in Art and Science by Romana Karla Schuler

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