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By Editors of Time-life Books

ISBN-10: 0809464330

ISBN-13: 9780809464333

ISBN-10: 0809464349

ISBN-13: 9780809464340

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It was no accident that the goal that first drew them together was never regain Black Sea Constantinople • ARMENIA THRACE Durazzo Nicaea ALBANIA BYZANTINE EMPIRE; GREECE Aegean Sea • Dorylaeum MANZIKERT ANATOLIA TAURUS MOUNTAINS Edessa Antalya Mosul ^-i.. SYRIA . Baghdad Mediterranean Sea Edessa * Persian Gulf EGYPT . Antioch •Aleppo Cairo SINAI I? DESERT ARABIA CYPRUS SYRIA > Tripoli • Acre. Arsuf . ^ ^ • Damascus HATTIN ^ Sea . Mecca 'Baalbek * Tvrp "* Zippon ^ ^ Beirut Sidon . Tiberias ^ JORDAN Jaffa The Ascalon **/ .

The twelfth century brought no saints to the papal throne; instead, it gave the Church a succession of gifted administrators, who evolved a system of Church government as enduring as the great cathedrals of the age. The hub of the organization they created was the Papal Curia, the most sophisticated administrative machine that the West had seen since the Roman Empire. Founded within the Lateran Palace at the end of the eleventh century, the Curia employed an army of clerks who came from Rome's monasteries to staff key departments.

For a knight of modest means, the tournament could provide a way of earning a living in peacetime. Good armor and well-trained horses were valuable prizes, and ransoms, if collected in sufficient number, were a healthy source of income. One soldier of fortune a foretaste of who supported himself later called the a minor baron, with way way was William, He was the fourth son of wealth to help him make in this Marshal. little The day after William was dubbed a knight, he took part in a battle between two rival counts and acquitted himself so well that he became something of a celebrity.

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The Divine Campaigns by Editors of Time-life Books

by Anthony

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