By Malcolm E. Falkus
ISBN-10: 0333468198
ISBN-13: 9780333468197
ISBN-10: 1349103160
ISBN-13: 9781349103164
This non-technical, readable ebook lines the historical past of North Thames gasoline from the nationalization of the fuel in 1949 till privatization in 1986, a interval which observed the switch shape a place within the Nineteen Fifties the place its survival was once threatened.
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The Earl of Verulam, at thirty-nine the youngest member of the Board, was an industrialist with wide experience as well as being Chairman of the Association for Planning and the author of works on planning and industry. He was also active in various charity organisations and before the war had organised a co-operative scheme for the unemployed in South Wales. The sixth part-time member was Edwin Bayliss, who was appointed to the Board ex officio in his capacity at first Chairman of the North Thames Gas Consultative Council.
Indeed, the Gas Light's scheme was started two decades after the first had been promoted by the South Metropolitan. At its best, co-partnership gave workers a share in the undertaking they worked in, a guarantee of employment and a pension upon retirement. In 1949 about one half of all gas workers were covered by some form of copartnership scheme, including most of those in the undertakings forming North Thames Gas. Sir David Milne-Watson had been a great champion of co-partnership and an unfailing attender of Co-partnership Committee meetings, of which he had been Chairman.
Far from the optimistic sales forecasts of the early 1950s there was now a desperate struggle to maintain existing levels as costs rose inexorably. During the 1950s, of course, North Thames was still almost entirely dependent on coal and coke as feedstock for gas production. Some Boards, more favourably situated in industrial regions, could purchase cheap gas supplies from nearby coke ovens, but with the single exception of small quantities from Fords at Dagenham, no such gas was available to North Thames.
Always under Pressure: A History of North Thames Gas since 1949 by Malcolm E. Falkus
by Ronald