Fluidization Engineering - download pdf or read online

By D. Kunii, Octave Levenspiel and Howard Brenner (Auth.)

ISBN-10: 008050664X

ISBN-13: 9780080506647

ISBN-10: 0409902330

ISBN-13: 9780409902334

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For example, copolymerization of ethylene with hexene-1 and octene-1 has been developed by Exxon and by Union Carbide; Mitsui Petrochemical and Montedison have developed an ultrahigh performance M g C ^ / T i C ^ catalyst for the gas-phase polymerization of Separator J Comonomer F I G U R E 11 Sketch of Unipol process for making polyethylene. polyethylene 36 CHAPTER 2 — Industrial Applications of Fluidized Beds propylene. A commercial plant using this technology went into operation in 1984, according to Koda and Kurisaka [23].

From the time of their introduction, these remarkable roasters progressively replaced existing technology centering about multihearth roasters and rotary kilns, both in the sulfuric acid industry and for the preparation of a wide variety of solid materials needed in metallurgical industries. Dorr-Oliver engineers pioneered two additional important uses of fluidized beds: one for drying powdery materials, the other for calcining limestone. 7 m I D ) for the drying and sizing of dolomite particles < 4 mesh, and having a capacity of 50 tons/day, was put in operation in the Canaan plant of the New England Lime Company.

Basically, these processes have one location for the absorption of heat, for reaction, and for carbon deposition, and a second location where the deposited carbon is burned off and heat is released. This heat is then returned to the first location to feed the reaction, and the circulating solids are the means for this heat transport. The only way that all of this can be done efficiently is with a solids circulation system employing one or more fluidized beds, and practically all processes today are based on this principle of operation.

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Fluidization Engineering by D. Kunii, Octave Levenspiel and Howard Brenner (Auth.)

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