By Leon Verlee
ISBN-10: 2700500989
ISBN-13: 9782700500981
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4. 4. I frames that may have been transmitted following the I frame(s) indicated by a SREJ frame shall not be retransmitted as the result of receiving a SREJ frame. Additional I frames awaiting initial transmission may be transmitted following the retransmission of the specific I frame(s) requested by all of the SREJ frames received. 3 Unnumbered format commands and responses Unnumbered, U, commands and responses shall be used to extend the number of data link control functions. Frames transmitted with the U format shall not increment the state variables at either the transmitting or the receiving data station.
The secondary station shall, however, be permitted to accept information in UI command frames and to transmit information in UI response frames. The secondary station has normal mode respond opportunity and shall initiate a single frame response transmission, indicating its status, as a result of receiving a command frame with the P bit set to "1"; optionally, it may initiate such a response as the result of receiving a UP command with the P bit set to "0". In this mode, a secondary station shall action only mode setting, XID, UI and TEST commands.
Frames transmitted with the U format shall not increment the state variables at either the transmitting or the receiving data station. Five "modifier" bits are provided which allow up to 32 additional command functions and 32 additional response functions to be defined. Fifteen command functions and nine response functions are defined below; all others are reserved. The encoding of the U format command/response control field shall be as shown in figure 6. 1. 2. 1 Information field structure The general structure of the optional information field is illustrated in figure 7.
Assimil nouveau neerlandais sans peine by Leon Verlee
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