By John Kitto; Alvan Bond; Charles H Hitchcock; Edward Kimpton; Robert Sears
By John Kitto; Alvan Bond; Charles H Hitchcock; Edward Kimpton; Robert Sears
By Hg. von Babette Quinkert, Christoph Dieckmann und Tatjana Tönsmeyer, Babette Quinkert, Christoph Dieckmann, Tatjana Tönsmeyer
Welche reason, Interessen und Handlungsspielräume hatten kooperierende einheimische Personen und Institutionen im östlichen Europa während der deutschen Besatzung?
An vielen Orten hat es während des Zweiten Weltkrieges Formen von Zusammenarbeit zwischen deutschen Stellen und einheimischen Regierungen, Verwaltungen oder Einzelpersonen gegeben. Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes untersuchen die intent, Interessen und Handlungsspielräume der kooperierenden Akteure im östlichen Europa und fragen danach, welchen Einfluß ihr Handeln auf die begangenen Verbrechen, insbesondere gegen die jüdische Bevölkerung, hatte. Sie zeigen dabei, daß diese Gruppen einerseits in einem komplexen und dynamischen Verhältnis zu den deutschen zivilen und militärischen Instanzen standen, andererseits aber auch selbständig Handelnde mit eigenen Interessen waren.
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By Bardo Fassbender, Visit Amazon's Anne Peters Page, search results, Learn about Author Central, Anne Peters, , Simone Peter
ISBN-10: 0199599750
ISBN-13: 9780199599752
The Oxford instruction manual of the heritage of foreign Law offers an authoritative and unique evaluate of the origins, techniques, and middle problems with overseas legislations. the 1st finished instruction manual at the background of foreign legislation, it's a actually specified contribution to the literature of foreign legislations and family members. Pursuing either a world and an interdisciplinary strategy, the instruction manual brings jointly a few sixty eminent students of foreign legislations, criminal heritage, and worldwide heritage from all components of the realm.
Covering foreign felony advancements from the fifteenth century until eventually the top of worldwide struggle II, the instruction manual involves over sixty person chapters that are prepared in six elements. The publication opens with an research of the central actors within the historical past of foreign legislations, particularly states, peoples and countries, overseas organizations and courts, and civil society actors. half is dedicated to a couple of key subject matters of the heritage of overseas legislations, equivalent to peace and conflict, the sovereignty of states, hegemony, faith, and the security of the person individual. half 3 addresses the historical past of overseas legislation within the assorted areas of the area (Africa and Arabia, Asia, the Americas and the Caribbean, Europe), in addition to 'encounters' among non-European felony cultures (like these of China, Japan, and India) and Europe which had an enduring effect at the physique of overseas legislation. half 4 examines convinced different types of 'interaction or imposition' in overseas legislations, equivalent to international relations (as an instance of interplay) or colonization and domination (as an instance of imposition of law). The classical juxtaposition of the civilized and the uncivilized is usually severely studied. half 5 is worried with difficulties of the tactic and conception of historical past writing in foreign legislation, for example the periodisation of foreign legislation, or Eurocentrism within the conventional historiography of overseas legislation. The guide concludes with a component Six, entitled "People in Portrait", which explores the existence and paintings of twenty favourite students and thinkers of foreign legislation, starting from Muhammad al-Shaybani to Sir Hersch Lauterpacht.
The instruction manual may be a useful source for students and scholars of foreign legislation. It presents historians with new views on overseas legislations, and raises the historic and cultural wisdom of students of foreign legislations. It goals to develop into the hot usual reference paintings for the worldwide heritage of overseas legislations.
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By Simon Strong
ISBN-10: 0812921801
ISBN-13: 9780812921809
An in depth account of Peru's Shining course explores the devastating impression of the terrorist revolutionaries on Peru; exposes the group's background, strange ideology, and international hyperlinks; and examines the aptitude overseas implications of the Shining course. 12,500 first printing.
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By Rosa-Maria Gelpi, François Julien-Labruyère (auth.)
ISBN-10: 0230554512
ISBN-13: 9780230554511
ISBN-10: 134941803X
ISBN-13: 9781349418039
By Han Bing Siong
ISBN-10: 9401746680
ISBN-13: 9789401746687
ISBN-10: 9401749671
ISBN-13: 9789401749671
By Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin
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By Gerhard Wolf, Norbert H. Ott
ISBN-10: 3110206277
ISBN-13: 9783110206272
Large chronicles were passed down from the center a while, retaining and reading tales of the prior and found in literary shape. Their sheer numbers pose a problem to researchers. This guide systematically offers crucial medieval chronicles by way of their perception and function.It deals the reader preliminary entry to those unjustly missed texts.
Aus dem Mittelalter ist eine riesige und für die Forschung schier unübersehbare Menge an chronikalischen Werken überliefert, in denen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart festgehalten, literarisch aufbereitet und interpretiert werden. Das vorliegende Handbuch stellt die wichtigsten mittelalterlichen Chroniken anhand ihrer Konzeption und ihrer jeweiligen Funktionen systematisch vor und bietet so einen ersten Zugriff auf diese zu wenig beachteten Texte.
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By Rina Benmayor, Pilar Dominguez Prats, María Eugenia Cardenal de la Nuez
ISBN-10: 1137438711
ISBN-13: 9781137438713
The Spanish and Portuguese-speaking worlds were crucibles for vital paintings in oral heritage and different fields, yet too little has been made available to English readers. This assortment seeks to reinforce and extend entry to contemporary scholarship from the Iberian international that has now not been translated or another way made on hand to English speakers.