By ISO/TC 67/SC 6
ISO 13709:2003 specifies necessities for centrifugal pumps, together with pumps operating in opposite as hydraulic energy restoration generators, to be used in petroleum, petrochemical and gasoline method providers. ISO 13709:2003 is appropriate to overhung pumps, between-bearings pumps and vertically-suspended pumps. Clause eight offers necessities appropriate to precise kinds of pump. All different clauses of ISO 13709:2003 are acceptable to all pump varieties. Illustrations are supplied of a few of the particular pump forms and the designations assigned to every particular sort. ISO 13709:2003 isn't acceptable to sealless pumps.
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The assumptions made in this analysis regarding the magnitude of excitation and the degree of damping shall be clearly stated. The acceptance criteria for this analysis shall be agreed upon by the purchaser and the vendor. 5 If a torsional analysis is performed, a Campbell diagram shall be furnished to the purchaser for information only. 6 If specified, the manufacturer shall furnish a detailed report of the torsional analysis. The report shall include the following: description of the method used to calculate the natural frequencies; b) diagram of the mass elastic system; c) table of the mass moment and torsional stiffness of each element of the mass elastic system; d) Campbell diagram; e) mode-shape diagram with peak stresses shown for each resonant frequency, if a stress analysis is performed.
2 Allowable forces and moments for vertical in-line pumps shall be twice the values in Table 4 for side nozzles. 3 For pump casings constructed of materials other than steel or alloy steel or for pumps with nozzles larger than DN 400 (NPS 16), the vendor shall submit allowable nozzle loads corresponding to the format in Table 4. /5924979112 Not for Resale, 12/13/2004 23:15:50 MST ISO 13709:2003(E) API Standard 610 / ISO 13709 Table 4 — Nozzle loadings (continued) US Customary units Nominal size of flange (NPS) u2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Forces (lbf) Each top nozzle FX 160 240 320 560 850 1 200 1 500 1 600 1 900 FY 130 200 260 460 700 1 000 1 200 1 300 1 500 FZ 200 300 400 700 1 100 1 500 1 800 2 000 2 300 FR 290 430 570 1 010 1 560 2 200 2 600 2 900 3 300 FX 160 240 320 560 850 1 200 1 500 1 600 1 900 FY 200 300 400 700 1 100 1 500 1 800 2 000 2 300 FZ 130 200 260 460 700 1 000 1 200 1 300 1 500 FR 290 430 570 1 010 1 560 2 200 2 600 2 900 3 300 FX 200 300 400 700 1 100 1 500 1 800 2 000 2 300 FY 160 240 320 560 850 1 200 1 500 1 600 1 900 FZ 130 200 260 460 700 1 000 1 200 1 300 1 500 FR 290 430 570 1 010 1 560 2 200 2 600 2 900 3 300 Each side nozzle Each end nozzle Moments (ft⋅lbf) Each nozzle MX 340 700 980 1 700 2 600 3 700 4 500 4 700 5 400 MY 170 350 500 870 1 300 1 800 2 200 2 300 2 700 MZ 260 530 740 1 300 1 900 2 800 3 400 3 500 4 000 MR 460 950 1 330 2 310 3 500 5 000 6 100 6 300 7 200 NOTE 1 See Figures 20 through 24 for orientation of nozzle loads (X, Y and Z).
11 If the shaft is made of material that exhibits inconsistent electrical properties, the shaft sensing areas may be produced by shrink-fitting sleeves or “target rings” to the shaft. 10. The use of target rings requires specific purchaser approval. Materials known to exhibit inconsistent electrical properties are high chromium alloys such as 17-4 PH, duplex stainless steel and ASTM A479 grade XM-19. 10 and API 670. 13 If non-contacting vibration probes are furnished, accurate records of electrical and mechanical runout for the full 360° at each probe location shall be included in the mechanical test report.
Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries by ISO/TC 67/SC 6
by David