ISBN-10: 0470719486
ISBN-13: 9780470719480
ISBN-10: 0470722924
ISBN-13: 9780470722923
Chapter 1 Chairman's commencing feedback (pages 1–5): Lord Kilbrandon
Chapter 2 Transplantation: The medical challenge (pages 6–23): M. F. A. Woodruff
Chapter three An Old?Established method: the improvement of Blood Transfusion (pages 24–42): G. E. W. Wolstenholme
Chapter four A lately confirmed strategy: Corneal Transplantation (pages 43–53): P. V. Rycroft
Chapter five Organ Transplantation: the sensible probabilities (pages 54–77): Joseph E. Murray
Chapter 6 Transplantation: present criminal Constraints (pages 78–103): David W. Louisell
Chapter 7 a few moral and monetary difficulties linked to Intermittent Haemodialysis (pages 104–125): H. E. de Wardener
Chapter eight difficulties of Ethics when it comes to Haemo?Dialysis and Transplantation (pages 126–133): G. E. Schreiner
Chapter nine a few basic issues (pages 134–138): J. Hamburger
Chapter 10 moral difficulties in scientific tactics in Sweden (pages 139–148): G. B. Giertz
Chapter eleven moral difficulties in scientific systems (pages 149–170): Sir Robert Platt
Chapter 12 Outlines of a laws on Transplantation (pages 171–187): R. Cortesini
Chapter thirteen Transplantation: Acceptability of approaches and the mandatory criminal Sanctions (pages 188–211): David Daube
Chapter 14 Chairman's ultimate feedback (pages 212–215): Lord Kilbrandon
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If, in the opinion of the coroner, or in his absence in the opinion of his deputy, an autopsy is necessary; such autopsy shall be performed by the coroner, deputy coroner or pathologist; a detailed description of the observations written during the progress of such autopsy or as soon after such autopsy as reasonably possible and the conclusionsdrawn therefrom shall be filed in the ofice of the coroner. ” The interpretation of the Act is that the coroner may not take any organ from a body; he may have it only for examination to determine the cause of death.
21. 22. 23. FANTUS, B. (1937). Therapy of Cook County Hospital: blood preservation. , ~ o g128-131. K. (1965). History of blood banking in the United States. h i . wed. , 193,4044. FILATOV,A. N. (1957). R. Problemy Gemat. Pereliv. Krovi, 2,3. 24. RUBIN, G. (1914). Placental blood for transfusion. Y. , 100,421. 25. YUDIN,S. S. (1938). Two thousand five hundred transfusions from cadaver to man. Sov. , 14~14. 26. FULLER, THOMAS. Gnomologia,No. 2560. (1945). Br. , 1,619623. 27. OGILVIE, 28. MOLLISON, P.
Such a scheme was pioneered by the International Eye Bank in Washington under the direction of Dr. J. H. King. Until 1964 the Eye Bank at East Grinstead did not have sufficient surplus material, but now the situation has changed and the sending of donor eyes abroad has become a practical proposition. The policy at present is to help foreign surgeons as far as possible, when excess supplies permit, but this service should only be regarded as a temporary one until individual countries are able to alter their own laws and to increase their own donor supplies.
Ciba Foundation Symposium - Ethics in Medical Progress: With Special Reference to Transplantation
by Charles